• ‘white charity’
    Blackness & whiteness on charity and posters

    Billboards of charitable organisations such as ‘Brot für die Welt’, ‘Welthungerhilfe’, ‘Kindernothilfe’ or ‘Care’ are omnipresent in streets, on squares, in train and metro stations in Germany.

    They have a large impact on how Black and white identities in Germany are constructed. The documentary analyses the charity aid posters from a postcolonial perspective.

    ‘white charity’ presents different perspectives: based on the charity ad posters, representatives of charities and scientists discuss about development cooperation, colonial fantasies, racism and power structures.

    ‘white charity’ is an exemplary analysis of racism in images which has relevance far beyond the horizon of development. It supports a sharper analysis of images in commercials, print and TV.

    A film by Carolin Philipp and Timo Kiesel


    · PD Dr. Aram Ziai, political scientist, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, Bonn

    · Danuta Sacher, former head of the department of politics and campaigns, Brot für die Welt

    · Dr. Grada Kilomba, psychoanalysist and author, Humboldt Universität, Berlin

    · Prof. em. Dr. Klaus-Peter Köpping, anthropologist, Universität Heidelberg

    · Peggy Piesche, literary scholar and cultural scientist, Hamilton College New York

    · Philipp Khabo Köpsell, poet and spoken word artist, Berlin

    · Sascha Decker, press spokesman, Kindernothilfe

    Animations: Jana Döll

    Technical details:
    duration: 48 minutes
    picture: 16:9



    #white_charity #charity #charity_aid #blackness #whiteness #Germany #documentary #Brot_für_die_Welt #Welthungerhilfe #Kindernothilfe #Care #posters #images #TV #print #racism #power_structures #postcolonialism #development #development_cooperation

    ping @cdb_77 @deka

    • Africa For Norway - New charity single out now!

      produced by Radi-Aid:


      Radi-Aid is a former awareness campaign created by the Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ Assistance Fund (SAIH). Although we will no longer develop this campaign, we will keep all the resources available. Visit the SAIH webpage for information about our current campaigning.

      Emerging from the satirical campaign and music video ‘Radi-Aid: Africa for Norway’, the campaign has focused on arranging the Radi-Aid Awards (2013-2017), celebrating the best - and the worst - of development fundraising videos. Along with this, we have produced several satirical, awareness-raising videos. In 2017, we also developed the Social Media Guide for Volunteers and Travelers.

      The goal with Radi-Aid is to challenge the perceptions around issues of poverty and development, to change the way fundraising campaigns communicate, and to break down dominating stereotypical representations.

      Since 2012, our videos have been selected as one of the best practices on development communication by OECD (2012), one of the best “Ads worth spreading” by TED (2014), and joined The Guardian’s list of the best aid parodies (2014). In addition to wide international media attention, we have been invited to speak about our work at TedX talks, workshops and a numerous of conferences around the world. Our campaign also been exhibited at various exhibitions, including the German Colonial Museum in Berlin (2016).
      Main objectives

      Radi-Aid aims at addressing the following issues:

      Charity campaigns risk being counterproductive to their own goals if they obscure the actual causes of poverty. We need more nuanced information about development and poverty, not oversimplified half-truths.

      In many charity ads, poor people are portrayed as passive recipients of help, without the ability or desire to make their country a better place to live. This kind of portrayal creates a significant distinction between us and them.

      The last years have shown increasing examples of creative and engaging portrayals in charity ads, demonstrating the many various ways a charity campaign can succeed without traditional and stereotypical representations.

      Stereotypes and oversimplifications lead to poor debates and poor policies. NGO communicators play a crucial role in people’s understanding of development in the world today, and therefore also a crucial role in fighting these representations.

      How we can do it better

      Previous nominees for the Golden Radiator in the Radi-Aid Awards have shown how powerful you can communicate in a nuanced, creative and engaging way, without using stereotypes – and still manage to raise money for your campaign. What characterize these campaigns, is that:

      They avoid one-sided representation and the single story

      The target group is presented with ownership and has an active role in providing solutions, they speak for themselves and no “white hero” is speaking on behalf of them

      Although the goal is to raise money, they avoid exploiting the suffering of people. People are portrayed with dignity – with potential, talents, strengths.

      Some take use of humour and positivity, which helps to not focus on people’s guilt or create apathy among potential donors/supporters, and highlights instead people’s strengths and common humanity. It is okay, and even good to create feelings, but not feelings like pity/feeling sorry for.

      They portray people in a way that resonate with the audience – situations, emotions etc. You feel solidarity and connected with them, instead of feeling sorry and disconnected from their reality

      The potential donors/supporters are inspired to take action beyond donating

      They respect their audience, by not exaggerating the story or suggesting that “with your donation, you have changed a life/saved the world”

      They are clear and transparent about their role in the project

      They provide context and manage to explain the underlying causes of problems, not presenting merely cheap and easy solutions to global issues.

      About SAIH
      The Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH) is the solidarity organization of students and academics in Norway. In addition to long-term development work, SAIH works with advocacy activities in Norway and internationally, in order to improve the conditions for education and development globally. SAIH runs annual campaigns on topics related to academic freedom and access to higher education. Read more about SAIH.


      #radi-aid #song

  • Carte blanche au collectif #Chimurenga autour des “#Black_studies

    Du 2 avril au 16 mai 2021, le collectif sud-africain propose La Bibliothèque Chimurenga : Une installation et une exposition autour des #Études_noires à découvrir dans tous les espaces de la Bpi.

    L’installation / exposition en détails

    Cette nouvelle édition – « La Bibliothèque Chimurenga » – prend la forme d’une « Étude noire » (Black study) des collections de la Bpi, afin d’enquêter sur les généalogies de l’imagination radicale noire dans le monde francophone.

    « La Bibliothèque Chimurenga » opère par la dissémination des savoirs et l’infiltration des outils à travers :

    – une installation bibliographique qui se matérialise par une cartographie mettant en relation l’archive « visible » de l’#imaginaire _noir présente dans la collection de la Bpi avec une archive « cachée » qui provient de la production intellectuelle, artistique et politique des Noirs dans le monde francophone. Cette mise en relation produit un système alternatif de classification du contenu de la Bpi, visible à travers des signets entre les livres figurants des ouvrages importants des Études noires. Puis, des lignes au sol qui forment de nouvelles routes de lecture, scandées par des citations sélectionnées par le collectif de chercheurs, invitent les visiteurs à parcourir la bibliothèque.

    – une exposition, point de convergence des routes de lecture au deuxième niveau de la Bpi, espace central du projet où se déploient cartes mentales, images, fac-similés, livres et revues en lien avec les axes de recherche du collectif.

    – un numéro spécial de la revue Chimurenga Chronic disponible au printemps 2021 suite à son lancement à la Cité internationale des arts : https://www.citedesartsparis.net

    – une intervention de la Pan African Space Station (PASS), entre avril et mai 2021. Fondé en 2008 par Chimurenga, la Pan African Space Station (PASS) est un studio radio live éphémère. Diffusée en direct sur internet, le PASS prendra ses quartiers dans deux villes différentes : Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe) et Montreuil (Ile-de-France).

    Une programmation cinéma est également prévue les 29 et 30 avril au Cinéma 1 du Centre Pompidou*.
    L’étude noire

    Le #collectif_Chimurenga définit ainsi l’Étude noire : « L’Étude noire désigne l’ensemble des méthodes et corpus de connaissances que les Noirs ont développés pour survivre et contrecarrer la modernité occidentale dont la construction et la consolidation se sont fondées sur l’esclavage, la colonisation et les formes d’apartheid. Fondamentalement indisciplinée, c’est une façon d’apprendre basée sur la relation, l’improvisation en groupe et la réactivation d’une #connaissance ancrée de la #liberté.

    Comme l’indique le poète Fred Moten, l’Étude noire nous demande d’envisager de « refuser ce qui vous a été refusé ». Elle se manifeste dans l’hospitalité des sans-foyers ; elle affirme la force du déplacement à contre-courant d’une longue histoire de déplacements forcés, et elle nécessite une attitude #polyrythmique. Elle constitue la pratique de la « #Blackness » – la trajectoire socio-historique des peuples afro-descendants, une expérience vécue et incarnée, une méthode et une façon d’être dans le monde. »

    À propos de Chimurenga

    Chimurenga est un objet en constante transformation et une plateforme panafricaine d’art et politique initié en 2002 par Ntone Edjabe – journaliste et musicien d’origine Camerounaise, né en 1970 à Douala, qui vit et travaille à Cape Town en Afrique du Sud. Ses membres actuels sont : Graeme Arendse, Moses Marz, Bongani Kona, Asanda Kaka, Bianca Van Rooi, Mamadou Diallo, Eva Munyiri et Ntone Edjabe.


    via @reka
    ping @isskein @karine4 @cede

  • White masks in #Tunisia

    Tunisia has a problem with its African roots. Racial discrimination and xenophobia is outrageously commonplace for black Tunisians and African immigrants and completely unrecognized and unaccounted for among public institutions and governmental parties. Despite the emphasis on the Islamic coda that prohibits discrimination against fellow black Muslims and Act 21 of the national constitution which […]

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  • Don’t call me #Toubab

    It is mid-September. I am walking alone in the streets of Old Jeswang, a small neighborhood in Banjul, the capital of The #Gambia, where I have been working as a health promotion intern for two weeks. I am wearing an H&M black and white stripped dress, an African print head wrap and pendant earrings. “Toubab, […]

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