person:paul d. ryan

  • With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Gut Independent Ethics Office - The New York Times

    House Republicans, overriding their top leaders, voted on Monday to significantly curtail the power of an independent ethics office set up in 2008 in the aftermath of corruption scandals that sent three members of Congress to jail.

    The move to effectively kill the Office of Congressional Ethics was not made public until late Monday, when Representative Robert W. Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced that the House Republican Conference had approved the change. There was no advance notice or debate on the measure.

    The surprising vote came on the eve of the start of a new session of Congress, where emboldened Republicans are ready to push an ambitious agenda on everything from health care to infrastructure, issues that will be the subject of intense lobbying from corporate interests. The House Republicans’ move would take away both power and independence from an investigative body, and give lawmakers more control over internal inquiries.

    It also came on the eve of a historic shift in power in Washington, where Republicans control both houses of Congress and where a wealthy businessman with myriad potential conflicts of interest is preparing to move into the White House.

    • … et le contre-ordre 24 heures après.

      House Republicans Back Down on Bid to Gut Ethics Office - The New York Times

      House Republicans, facing a storm of bipartisan criticism, including from President-elect Donald J. Trump, moved early Tuesday afternoon to reverse their plan to kill the Office of Congressional Ethics. It was an embarrassing turnabout on the first day of business for the new Congress, a day when party leaders were hoping for a show of force to reverse policies of the Obama administration.

      The reversal came less than 24 hours after House Republicans, meeting in a secret session, voted, over the objections of Speaker Paul D. Ryan, to eliminate the independent ethics office. It was created in 2008 in the aftermath of a series of scandals involving House lawmakers, including three who were sent to jail.

      Mr. Trump criticized House Republicans on Tuesday for their move to gut the office, saying they should focus instead on domestic policy priorities such as health care and a tax overhaul.

    • Résumé : ça démarre fort.

      États-Unis : rentrée politique agitée pour le Congrès américain - France 24

      Le Congrès américain issu des élections du 8 novembre a vécu mardi une première séance agitée après un tweet critique du président élu Donald Trump, dénonçant une décision prise en catimini par les élus républicains au sujet d’une réforme éthique.

      Réforme « controversée », n’insistons donc pas trop pour rappeler que le premier souci d’une bonne partie des représentants du peuple est de supprimer l’un des freins à la corruption de ces mêmes représentants.