company:al-quds al-arabi

  • Malheureux comme un ouléma dans le monde arabe, dans Al-Quds Al-Arabi - Actuarabe

    Le savant religieux n’est pas libre dans ses décisions et ses fatwas, ni même dans la vision du croissant marquant le début ou la fin du ramadan. Si on lui demande de ne pas le voir, il ne le verra pas, même si des milliards de musulmans l’ont vu. Combien d’années des musulmans ont jeûné alors que d’autres non ? Combien de musulman ont célébré la fête de la fin du mois de ramadan alors que d’autres ont continué à jeûner ? Combien de fois la Libye et l’Iran ont arrêté le jeûne alors que l’Egypte et l’Arabie saoudite le poursuivaient ? Combien de fois les Indonésiens et les habitants du Golfe ont fait la fête alors que les Algériens et les Irakiens jeûnaient le même jour ?! Combien de fois la Palestine s’est-elle demandée si elle devait jeûner ou célébrer la fin du ramadan ? Lesquels de ses soutiens financiers devait-elle satisfaire et lesquels devait-elle mettre en colère ? Vers qui devait-elle se réfugier ? Certaines de nos communes se sont même parfois retrouvées divisées : certains continuant leur jeûne pour achever le mois de ramadan et d’autres célébrant le premier jour du mois de chawwal. Combien de fois avez-vous souhaité bonne fête à une personne qui vous a répondu qu’elle jeûnait, avec tel ou tel pays ?!

  • Qatari owned daily claims Turkish banks are seeing an inundation of Saudi cash as businessmen worry about MBS’s moves | The Mideastwire Blog

    On November 24, the Qatari-owned Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following report from Istanbul by its correspondent Ismail Jamal: “During the last few weeks, Turkey witnessed the arrival of many Saudi businessmen and Arab residents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, attempting to transfer their money from the Kingdom that has been going through unprecedented political and economic transformations, which generated fear of the future among them. Hence, at the central immigration office in the Turkish city of Istanbul, which is in charge of giving residency papers to foreigners, one could detect a noticeable increase in the number of Saudi citizens and Arab residents in the Kingdom, seeking residency in Turkey as soon as possible. The same could also be detected in the Turkish banks located in central parts of Istanbul…


  • Quds Arabi daily says Jordanian Operation’s Room has been closed; repression of pro-opposition Syrian “activists”

    @gonzo @nidal @loutre

    On January 25, the Qatari-owned Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following report by its Amman Office Chief Bassam Bdareen: “The Jordanian political compass is about to change, though slowly, amid increasing talk in the closed decision-making rooms surrounding the need to alleviate the tone towards Iran, and prepare to deal with it as a “realistic” option. On the other hand, it was decided that King Abdullah II should head to Moscow to meet with its President Vladimir Putin, at a time when Kremlin announced that the bilateral summit will discuss the “anti-terrorism” plans. So, there was no need for Amman to wait for President Donald Trump’s inclinations to start seeking its interests in Moscow, seeing how Egyptian President Abdul Fattah es-Sisi is doing it, while Walid Fares, the advisor close to Trump’s administration, called on the Jordanians to pay attention, because from now on, all the regional files will be discussed in light of the American assignment to Russia.

    “Something unannounced is happening behind the scenes in this regard, enhancing the conviction that talking to Moscow regarding any Jordanian file related to Syria would be the productive path to follow… As for the summit meeting between Abdullah II and Putin, it might end with the activation of the Russian security coordination centre against terrorism in Amman. And at this level exclusively, Amman is telling all the sides that the famous MOC 1 base, which was like an operations room for the support of the Syrian opposition, is closed, no longer exists, and is out of service, while the activities of its technical and political cells today are limited to the fighting of terrorism. Therefore, in light of the new equations, there is nothing preventing Moscow from truly considering the establishment of a Russian version of MOC 2, whose task would be limited to deterring the Islamic State organization, seeing how An-Nusra Front’s card is contained on the Jordanian and Israeli levels…

    “In the meantime, fresh information acquired by Al-Quds al-Arabi revealed that the campaign of arrests which recently targeted 19 activists in the context of what was dubbed the “death or reform” meeting had regional roots, and followed the assessment of the Karak Castle terrorist operation, which was considered to be a regional message by a specific party. For its part, Moscow seems open to the discussion of details that are worrying Amman, and the presentation of guarantees regarding some basic Jordanian conditions, namely the containment of the movement of militias affiliated with Hezbollah, the Iraqi An-Najba’ Movement and the Revolutionary Guard around and inside Daraa, and the launching of actual discussions surrounding the recovery of the official crossing.

    “What is pushing Jordan to take studied and slow steps in diversifying its contacts is its command’s wish to avoid any surprises that could thwart or downplay the importance of the Arab summit, which will be hosted by Amman at the end of March… This political diversification action, which former Prime Minister Samir Rifai had proposed through Al-Quds al-Arabi earlier, was apparently prompted by two noticeable and important developments, i.e. the wide retreat of the Saudi and American economic aid, and the public rivalry proclaimed against the Jordanian regime by the scenarios of the Israeli far-right…”

    #Syrie #Jordanie

  • Le rapport russe sur la mort d’Arafat n’est pas concluant - Yahoo Actualités France

    (...) « Les conclusions du rapport exhaustif sur les niveaux de polonium 210 et l’évolution de sa maladie n’apportent pas de preuves suffisantes pour étayer la thèse selon laquelle le polonium 210 a provoqué un syndrome de radiation aigu débouchant sur la mort », a déclaré le Dr Abdoullah Bachir en citant les conclusions de l’enquête russe.

    Mais cet enquêteur palestinien a ajouté que les rapports suisse et russe avaient conclu à la présence de « grandes quantités » de cet isotope radioactif dans le corps d’Arafat.

    Les conclusions des enquêteurs russes sont nettement plus prudentes que celles des experts suisses qui ont été publiées mercredi par Al Djazira sur son site internet.

    Pour les enquêteurs suisses, les éléments recueillis appuient l’hypothèse d’un empoisonnement au polonium et justifient une enquête judiciaire sans toutefois permettre de certitude. (...)


    • La France complice de l’assassinat de Yasser Arafat

      Neuf ans après la mort du dirigeant palestinien en France, des experts suisses confirment qu’il a bien été empoisonné au polonium. Le quotidien nationaliste panarabe Al-Quds Al-Arabi se demande si en 2004 les Français n’ont pas maquillé la vérité.

      * Al-Quds Al-Arabi /

      La question qui se pose désormais est de savoir pourquoi on n’a pas su la vérité dès 2004, année du décès d’Arafat dans un hôpital parisien. Les médecins français qui l’ont veillé ont dû recevoir des instructions de la part des autorités françaises, en collaboration avec les Américains et les Israéliens, afin de cacher la vérité.

      Ces raisons politiques de ce maquillage de la vérité valables en 2004 le sont toujours aujourd’hui. A savoir protéger Israël contre l’éventualité d’une enquête criminelle et éviter les conséquences que cela pourrait avoir sur les négociations avec les Palestiniens.

  • Muzzling the Egyptian media

    Over the last few month, we have witnessed a bitter campaign in Egypt directed against those Arab and Western media organizations that the interim government and military authorities have described as ’misleading’, writes the editorial in the London- based pan-Arab daily al-Quds al-Arabi (6th of September)

    CRITICISM OF AMBASSADORS: This campaign was accompanied by some strong criticism of foreign ambassadors. The [leading pro-government daily] Al-Ahram even accused U.S. ambassador Ann Paterson of being ’part of a plot by the Muslim Brotherhood and foreign militants designed to undermine Egypt’s stability and divide the country in two.’

    With the growing complexity of the political crisis in Egypt, Egyptians have turned against some countries just because they have called for moderation or defended the legitimacy of an elected president [Mursi]. In this polarized climate, journalists began trying to exclude their colleagues just because they worked for certain news organizations.

    The Egyptian judiciary has recently moved to underwrite this erroneous behavior on the part of some political parties and official circles against certain media outlets. A few days after its office was raided by the police, a court issued a ruling closing down [Qatari-based] Al-Jazeera’s ‘Egypt Direct’ channel. Al-Jazeera English had already been raided and three of its foreign journalists expelled.

    To be sure, that was not the first time that al-Jazeera has been targeted by the Egyptian authorities. The channel was also targeted at the beginning of the Egyptian revolution in 2011 before president Mubarak was overthrown. At the time, the Mubarak authorities also targeted other channels such as [Saudi] al-Arabiya and the BBC. Al-Jazeera was also targeted by the Syrian and former Libyan regimes.

    The ongoing campaign against freedom of speech in Egypt has been joined by many Egyptian media outlets, which have been raising crude slogans such as ’Egypt is fighting terrorism.’ It seems that the Egyptian media, whether public or privately owned, is becoming more and more one-eyed. This does not serve the truth, or the final goal of establishing a civil state that embraces all Egyptians. On the contrary, such a policy increases the very divisions that every Egyptian has complained about since the last presidential election. What we are witnessing now is a process of strengthening one side at the expense of the other. It is also an attempt to recreate the old [Mubarak] order, albeit in a new and ‘improved’ form.

    What is even more dangerous is the fact that this media exclusion conceals an attempt to silence certain political views. This has never succeeded anywhere, and will certainly not succeed in Egypt. This policy will certainly not figure as a high point in the interim government’s record; quite the contrary. While pretending to pursue a policy of national reconciliation, the government has been gagging the opposition. How can the interim government make people believe that it wants to draft a constitution that respects public liberties while it is so obviously against alternative opinions? Besides, is the blocking of broadcasts not now a relic of the past, which only used to be practiced by tyrannies?

    This is not the way to counter alternative opinions, nor is it the best way to settle scores with al-Jazeera or any other outlet. Far better to allow all opinions to be aired freely. Let the people decide.

    For a military or political authority to muzzle media outlets or drive them off the air means that it does not feel secure in its position nor in the choices it is offering the Egyptian people.

  • – Al-Quds al-Arabi, United Kingdom

    "A number of human rights activists and commentators in the social communication network, Twitter, said that the Saudi authorities have summoned Dr Muhsin al-Awaji to interrogate him for reasons which are thus far unknown. Some sources emphasized that the episode No 40 of the programme, which is written and presented by broadcaster Fahd al-Sunaydi in which Al-Awaji appeared, was the main reason for summoning him and putting him in custody. In that episode, Al-Awaji asked the Arab and Muslim leaders to introduce reforms and make change without an Arab spring “if they fear this spring,” and said that there is no Arab and Islamic ruler who is prepared to sacrifice himself for the sake of his people, pointing out that “the rulers are ready to employ everything to consolidate their dictatorship.”

    "Al-Awaji appeared on Al-Hiwar Channel and denounced the role of the Gulf leaders in their support for the armed coup against President Muhammad Morsi, stressing that the Gulf peoples “reject and denounce the military coup, and if these peoples like their rulers, they love God and His sharia more; therefore, these people want from their rulers to have the policies of the Gulf states be in line with God’s sharia, and they consider the Egyptians their brothers, and the borders of Sykes-Picot have not influenced the fraternal links between them” Al-Wi’am internet magazine said that it made a telephone call with Dr Muhsin al-Awaji, and found out that his cell phone is turned off, while other sources said that Al-Awaji has been summoned up for interrogation by a security service, and that his fate is thus far unknown. It is noteworthy this is not the first that Al-Awaji is arrested since he was arrested more than once for his participation in the reform movement in Saudi Arabia si nce the 1990’s. Meanwhile, the Islamic Media Observatory said that the Saudi authorities have officially banned Sheikh Muhammad al-Urayfi from travel outside the kingdom. The Observatory added that there is an order which was sent to the travel crossings to ban the departure of many ulema and preachers and some university professors and charitable activists as a result of the reactions to the “military coup” in Egypt, which is rejected and opposed by the majority of the Saudi people, according to the Observatory."

  • Saudi cleric comes under “vicious attack” over reform letter

    London-based independent newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi website on 16 March

    [Report by Ahmad al-Misri: “Al-Awdah’s Speech on Reform in Saudi Arabia Sparks Debate on Twitter and the Saudi Preacher Is Subject to Vicious Attacks”]

    The speech in which famous Saudi preacher Salman al-Awdah condemned the seizure of human rights in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has sparked a debate on Twitter. The Saudi cleric has been subject to a vicious attack by what is known, on the social media outlet, as the “strike force” of the Saudi intelligence apparatus.

    The supporters of Al-Awdah’s speech have created a group called hashtag #[word in Arabic] on the Twitter site. These supporters include the names of clerics and people who are famous in the kingdom. Dr Nasir al-Umr wrote on his account: “Thank you, Abu-Mu’adh. You have expressed many of our worries, and whoever does not agree with the content of this speech or is only seeking to find gaps in it should rethink his intentions.” Awad al-Qarni, a famous Saudi preacher, said: This is a speech of compassion and advice that has hit the nail on the head regarding a number of issues, which worry people. I hope it is received with a positive spirit, far away from any negative interpretations."

    Isam al-Zamil, a Saudi internet specialist, conducted a survey about the speech, with the participation of over 10,000 people. The result was: “More than 88 per cent of the people support the speech of Shaykh Salman al-Awdah, while 4 per cent do not support it,” according to Al-Zamil.

    As for the people who oppose Al-Awdah’s speech, they have created a group under the name hashtag #[word in Arabic]. Saudi writer Ahmad al-Arfaj wrote in a tweet: “We want a patriotic speech and patriotic demands, and not a speech linked to an individual that reflects the personal ideologies of its author, from a harsh cleric to one that lives a life of luxury.” While Afnan Bint-Fahd wrote: “Al-Awdah only wants the Muslim Brotherhood to rule Saudi Arabia, even if it means [spilling] blood and [disgracing] honour. Al-Awdah only thinks about his interest.” Someone else wrote: “The Shaykh of NATO said we do not want to fight, waste our resources, or balkanization!! However, yesterday, he calls for jihad in Syria.”

    In an “open speech” on 15 March, Al-Awdah, who is from the [Islamic] awakening trend, which is close in ideology to the Muslim Brotherhood, condemned the seizure of rights, calling for reform and warning, at the same time, that there is tension in the kingdom, which follows a conservative, political, and religious tradition.

    Salman al-Awdah wrote on his website, in the form of excerpts: “People here have wishes, demands, and rights, and they will not keep silent forever over these being fully or partially seized (...) When people lose hope, you have to expect anything from them.” Al-Awdah points out to “negative feelings which have been accumulating for a long time (...) If people cease to feel fear, expect anything from them, and if their anger rises, then nothing will satisfy them. With the rise of anger, the legal and political symbols lose their value, and leadership is then in the hands of the people in the street.”

    Al-Awdah warned against “tension,” calling for “opening horizons to rectify the situation (...) and to protect the gains, such as the geographical unity. This encourages us to call for reform, as the alternative [to reform] would be chaos, balkanization, and belligerency.” He considered “the financial and administration corruption, unemployment, [poor] housing, poverty, weakness in health [care] and education, and the lack of horizons for political reform, as the causes of this tension.” Al-Awdah pointed out that “the continuation of the current situation is impossible, but the question is: where is this path leading us?”

    Al-Awdah expresses his belief that “the security grip will make things worse and stand in the way of attempts at reform.”

    Al-Awdah believes that “there is concern over the future (...) Maybe the exodus of capital and businessmen will increase. The citizens are afraid of chaos, disorder, and they need someone who will allay their fears through a pragmatic reform project, in which they can be partners.”

    Al-Awdah also writes: “No reasonable person wishes for the spark to become a fire that burns the country down, as they do not want violence to be the tool for expression. If revolutions are oppressed, they turn into armed action. If they are ignored, they expand and extend. The solution lies in wise resolutions, which, if applied on time, can prevent the spark of violence.”

    Al-Awdah writes: “The rise in the security obsession has made most of the nation’s activities subject to security examination.” He touched upon the topic of the detainees by saying: “All suspects have been locked up, and there was an opportunity to release those suspected of being innocent. However, this did not happen (...) The repercussions were the sowing of rancour, the desire for revenge, and the considerable expansion of militant ideology in the jails.”

    Al-Awdah added: “May members of the ruling family do not agree with the policy of prisons, and this is well known on Twitter and in meetings.”

    Saudi Arabia has been witnessing for some time sit-ins and rallies in Al-Qasim and Riyadh, especially those staged by the family members of prisoners or detainees from the radical religious movement, who call for their release. Al-Awdah criticized “the control of the intelligence apparatus over prisoners - from the time they are being monitored, to the moment they are detained and searched, and until they are tried and sentenced - which deprives them of many rights.”

    He wrote: “The burning of pictures of officials is symbolic, and it should not pass unnoticed.” Al-Awdah warned against closing the doors because “a helpless person might take risks, disregarding what is good and bad (...) A solution must be found for this situation and there should be no prisoners except those whose involvement [in a crime] has been proven and who had absolute legal rulings issued against them. Finally, this must be announced as soon as possible.”

    Al-Awdah considers that “it is necessary to release the detainees of HASM [Association for Civil and Political Rights] and the reformists of Jedda,” in a reference to the rulings issued on 9 March condemning two prominent human rights activists to jail, approximately 10 years for each activist, and the closing down of their society for not acquiring a license to practice.

    Al-Awdah believes that “the rights of a citizen are innate and not granted.”

    Al-Quds al-Arabi website, London, in Arabic 16 Mar 13

    BBC Monitoring

  • Alors que les médias occidentaux pinaillent désormais sur les notions de salafistes pacifistes, salafistes armés, jihadistes-mais-pas-Al-Qaeda, et ne reconnaissent que « tout au plus quelques centaines » de tels combattants, voici ce qu’écrit le correspondant du Al-Quds al-Arabi en Jordanie :

    وتنظيم لواء ’أهل الشام’ عمليا هو النسخة السورية الجديدة من تنظيم القاعدة الذي تقول مصادر أردنية ان تعداد رجاله وصل لنحو ستة الاف مقاتل وبين هؤلاء آسيويين وخليجيين وحتى بعض الأوروبيين والكثير من الباكتسانيين والتونسيين والجزائريين وتحديدا سعوديين كما يوضح العبدللات.

    c’est-à-dire :

    Selon des sources jordaniennes, l’organisation regroupée sous la bannière « le Peuple de Sham » est, en pratique, la version syrienne d’A-Qaeda, estimée à environ 6000 hommes venus d’Asie et du Golfe, quelques Européens, beaucoup de Pakistanais, Tunisiens, Algériens, et surtout des Séoudiens.

    Pour rappel, il y a encore tout juste deux semaines, le Monde supprimait purement et simplement d’une dépêche AFP le paragraphe qui mentionnait qu’un gentil combattant libanais allait en Syrie pour y mener le jihad :