• Is Bluesky Still Invite Only? Bluesky Signup & Invite Codes, Explained | The Mary Sue

    Will Bluesky turn into Twitter?

    Who knows? Even before Elon Musk got rid of Twitter’s moderation system and started sucking up to Nazis, Twitter was pretty awful. Any statement, no matter how benign, could be misread and twisted into something criminal. The worst thing that could happen to someone was becoming Twitter’s main character.

    Researchers Alice E. Marwick and danah boyd called the phenomenon “context collapse”: a joke or observation meant for a specific audience goes viral, readers don’t realize that they’re missing context, and suddenly thousands of people are upset over something they don’t even know they don’t understand. “The frequency of context-destruction is no accident,” writes philosopher C. Thi Nguyen. “Twitter rewards high-context speech, and then gives us the perfect tool to decontextualize that speech. Twitter is designed to invite our vulnerability, and then punish it.”

    So, now that Bluesky is open to everyone, will it fall prey to the same problems? Maybe. Or maybe Bluesky will learn from Twitter’s mistakes.

    In the meantime, I’m getting my blocking finger ready.

    #BlueSky #ontext_collapse #Effondrement_de_contexte

  • How Stokely Carmichael Helped Inspire the Creation of C-SPAN – Mother Jones

    In the late 1960s, Brian Lamb, the eventual founder of the cable network C-SPAN, sat at a Black Baptist church watching Stokely Carmichael give a speech. Lamb, fresh off a four-year stint in the U.S Navy, came away impressed. He found the talk by the leader of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) “thoughtful and intelligent and very well stated.” But, later that night, when Lamb watched coverage of the same speech on TV he was taken aback.

    The news broadcast only played the two minutes when Carmichael was at his most incendiary. “What made it on was the fire and brimstone,” Lamb would later tell the New York Times of the experience. “It just seemed to me we were being unfairly treated as a society by the television news,” he lamented.

    About a decade later Lamb founded the Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network, also known as C-SPAN. While the network is most known now for wall-to-wall congressional coverage, it was Carmichael’s unfair representation by white media that Lamb has said helped inspire the attempt to bring the public news without imposition. He wanted a channel “where everybody gets to see everything from start to finish,” he told the Times.

    I was surprised by this connection. I discovered Lamb’s epiphany in the excellent autobiography Ready For Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture).

    In the latter half of his life Carmichael embraced revolutionary Pan-African socialism, founded the All African Peoples Revolutionary Party, and changed his name to Kwame Ture—a combination of Kwame Nkrumah and Ahmed Sékou Touré, two former decolonial leaders of Ghana and Guinea. In 1969, Ture left the United States to make his home in Conakry, Guinea. One of the best explanations of this transformation can be found when Ture sat down for an interview with Lamb in 1998. (It was shortly before Ture’s death, while he was in Harlem for cancer treatments.)

    Ture writes this of the conversation:

    Mr. Lamb proved an interesting fellow, well-informed and tough-minded. His questions were sharp but fair. Not biased or hostile as is so often the case with the U.S media. … I admire Mr. Lamb’s public spiritedness and resourcefulness and I think his initiative to be especially necessary given the general debasement of political discourse in the American media.

    Lamb was at the helm of the network as CEO until 2012, before retiring from media fully in 2019. Some have argued that by giving politicians the ability to speak directly to the viewer without mediation, C-SPAN was a gift to demagogues like former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and paved the way for the rise of Donald Trump. But this origin story shows another angle.

    In an exit interview with The New Republic, Lamb explained why he rarely imposed himself on a subject: “It’s probably a learned respect for the average intelligence of the American public to figure it out for themselves, right or wrong. I’m a pessimistic optimist. It’s just the way I am. Every time I said to myself, ‘I know that person isn’t telling the truth,’ my reaction was: ‘So does the caller at the other end of the line.’”

    This “view from nowhere” approach to journalism can normalize injustice. But attacking the faux-neutrality of the status quo isn’t the same as assuming a child-like stupidity from audiences.

    While reading Ready For Revolution, including this history of C-SPAN, I delved deeper into more Ture videos on YouTube. Having spent a life taking notes from street corner preachers in Harlem, Black Baptist ministers in the deep South, and revolutionary leaders in West Africa, Ture is a fantastic and nimble orator with an underrated sense of humor. Many of his speeches are readily available now, thanks in part to the network and amateur archivists.

    I have one clip that is a personal favorite. In it, Ture explains the importance of good faith inquiry, of listening to what someone actually says instead of what other people say about them. You should just watch it.

    #Stockeley_Carmichael #Télévision #Context_collapse #Effondrement_de_contexte

  • Context collapses and strategic silences - Stabroek News

    If it feels as though nearly all the news is bad, all the time, and that it is possibly getting worse, that’s because it is – by design. The digital news platforms which curate what is often called “the attention economy”, rely on us feeling that way. Fear and anxiety keep us glued to smartphones and social media, spreading discomfort to our private networks and swelling profits for the advertising-driven companies which spend lavishly to ensure that their products hook “users” – the language of addiction is inevitable – by maximizing their “time-on-device”. Sophisti-cated datamining allows these companies to microtarget us with alarms and provocations that rivet our eyes to a seemingly infinite scroll of data.

    A decade ago the media scholar danah boyd drew attention to the ways in which “like many social network sites, Twitter flattens multiple audiences into one – a phenomenon known as ‘context collapse’”. Twitter users who tried to reconcile the tensions between different parts of their audiences “adopted a variety of tactics, such as using multiple accounts, pseudonyms, and nicknames, and creating ‘fakesters’ to obscure their real identities … [they created] a lowest-common denominator effect, as individuals only post things they believe their broadest group of acquaintances will find non-offensive.”

    In the intervening decade context collapse has been weaponized by a wide range of individuals and governments. They have turned boyd’s original insight on its head and crafted the most provocative material, in order to spread confusion, mistrust, hatred and doubt across these platforms. Gradually this sense of endless emergency has become the preferred mode of the platforms. More recently, boyd has written about the need for “strategic silence”: “a mechanism of editorial discretion by which those who have the ability to publish or amplify a particular voice, perspective, or incident weigh the benefits and costs of doing so against broader social values, including enabling an informed public and building community.” This is not, as she and her co-author emphasize, “a call to stop the presses, but rather is the recognition that there is a need to be strategic about what information is amplified in any media ecosystem so as to not allow damaging and harmful messages to spread.” They point out that the idea of “strategic silence” emerged among media scholars and editors in the 1960s and 1970s when their questioning of “editorial omissions of White violence against Black civil rights groups … prompted a shift in coverage of the civil rights movement.”

    #danah_boyd #Context_collapse #Effondrement_de_contexte #Silence_stratégique