State Monitoring and Political Rationality – An ESRC-funded project based at the University of Edinburgh


  • Seeing Illegal Immigrants : State Monitoring and Political Rationality

    Our two-year long ESRC-funded project focuses on the ways states have ‘seen’ unauthorized migrants in France, Germany and the UK from the late 1960s to the present day.

    We aim to assess whether public authorities maximise surveillance and control of illegal residents, or whether they prefer to cultivate a form of benign neglect or even ‘strategic ignorance’ of these groups; understand which forms of illegality states monitor, and which are left unscrutinised; and investigate the techniques states use to produce knowledge about illegal populations.

    On this website, you will find a wide range of information connected to the project, including the members of our team, our work in progress and details of our public engagement events. We also maintain a blog, with all of the latest updates about how our project is progressing.

    If you would like further details about the project, please follow us on Twitter or contact us by e-mail at
    #migrations #sans-papiers #illégalité #histoire #UK #Angleterre #France #Allemagne #surveillance #contrôle

    Mais pourquoi utiliser #illegality dans le titre de cette recherche ? Le dire, c’est le faire exister... même si c’est pour le critiquer...
    #mots #terminologie #vocabulaire