L’armée israélienne tue un adolescent de 15 ans qui jetait des pierres à Hébron


  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen in Beit Ummar, Hebron for alleged rock-throwing
    Oct. 20, 2016 5:59 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 21, 2016 11:51 A.M.)

    HEBRON (Ma’an) — Israeli forces Thursday evening shot and killed a 15-year-old Palestinian near the Beit Ummar junction in the northern part of the village of Beit Ummar in the occupied West Bank district of Hebron. Israeli authorities have claimed an Israeli soldier shot the teenager dead in response to a rock-throwing incident.

    Local activist Muhammad Ayyad Awad told Ma’an that he saw the body of a young Palestinian on the ground near the entrance of Beit Ummar. The young Palestinian, later identified as Khalid Bahr Ahmad Bahr, 15, was reportedly shot by Israeli forces in the back, with the bullet exiting through his chest.

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that soldiers were “attacked” by Palestinian youths throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers while they were patrolling the area near Beit Ummar. The spokesperson said one soldier was "lightly wounded’ by a rock and called one of the young Palestinian suspects to “halt,” fired warning shots in the air, and then “towards the suspect, resulting in his death.”

    The spokesperson added that the incident is “under investigation.”

    Awad also said that Israeli soldiers prevented a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance from approaching the youth, while witnesses said that Israeli forces refused to provide CPR to the youth after he was shot.


    • L’armée israélienne tue un adolescent de 15 ans qui jetait des pierres à Hébron
      MEE | 20 octobre 2016 | Dernière mise à jour : 21 octobre 2016

      Les troupes israéliennes ont mortellement blessé un adolescent palestinien ce jeudi. Il avait jeté des pierres sur un convoi militaire en Cisjordanie.

      Bahr Khalid Ahmed Bahr, 15 ans, a été tué dans la région de Beit Ummar, près de la ville d’Hébron, en Cisjordanie, a rapporté un communiqué de l’armée.

      « Des pierres ont été lancées sur les soldats. L’un d’entre eux a été légèrement blessé », a déclaré une porte-parole israélienne à l’AFP, ajoutant que les soldats ont d’abord tiré des coups de semonce et « ont ensuite ouvert le feu sur le suspect, le tuant ».

      Mohammed Ayad Aoud, un militant des médias qui se trouvait sur les lieux du drame, a rapporté au site d’informations locales Maan que les troupes israéliennes avaient prévenu les équipes médicales pour qu’elles soignent le garçon et qu’elles n’avaient pas autorisé les passants à l’approcher.

      Les images qui ont circulé sur les sites d’informations palestiniens ont montré le corps du jeune garçon, son visage couvert de sang, allongé sur le sol, entouré des troupes israéliennes lourdement armées. Le ministère palestinien de la Santé a confirmé un peu plus tard que l’adolescent était décédé.

    • PCHR

      Thursday, 20 October 2016
      In an excessive use of lethal force, a Palestinian civilian, from Beit Ummer village, north of Hebron, was killed by Israeli forces from a range of less than 10 meters, while he was present in an agricultural field in Beit Za’ta area, east of the village. According to PCHR’s investigations and eyewitnesses’ statements, at approximately 17:00, Khalid Bahar Ahmed Bahar ( 15), from Beit Ummer village, east of Hebron, was present in the street adjacent to a cemetery. He saw an Israeli military jeep quickly coming from al-Montazah street, so he threw a stone at the jeep and then ran towards the agricultural land. After that, two Israeli soldiers stepped out of the jeep and then one of them fired a live bullet at Khalid, during which, a number of Palestinian young men gathered. Few minutes later, a military ambulance and another PRCS ambulance arrived at the area. Israeli forces prevented the Palestinian ambulance from offering any help and then heavily fired tear-gas canisters at the protesters to disperse them. After that, Israeli forces put Khalid on a litter and then took him by a military vehicle to an unknown destination. It should be noted that Khalid was hit with a live bullet that entered his back from the right side and then exited his chest. As a result, he immediately died.

    • Israel to release body of Palestinian teenager killed after allegedly throwing stones
      Dec. 15, 2016 4:46 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 15, 2016 4:46 P.M.)

      HEBRON (Ma’an) — Israeli authorities have decided to return the body of slain 15-year-old Palestinian Khalid Bahr Ahmad Bahr to his family on Friday in the village of Beit Ummar in the occupied West Bank district of Hebron, sources at the Palestinian Civil Affairs Committee said on Thursday.

      The sources added that the slain teenager would be buried on Saturday.

      Bahr was shot dead by Israeli forces on Oct. 20 after allegedly throwing stones at a group of Israeli soldiers stationed near the Beit Ummar junction in the northern part of the village. A local activist, Muhammad Ayyad Awwad, told Ma’an at the time that Israeli forces had shot the minor in the back, with the bullet exiting through his chest.

    • Funerals held for slain Palestinians draw large crowds, spark clashes in Beit Ummar
      Dec. 17, 2016 2:19 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 17, 2016 2:29 P.M.)

      HEBRON (Ma’an) — After Israel returned on Friday the bodies of seven Palestinians that were killed by Israeli forces in recent months, funerals held in their hometowns across the occupied West Bank drew large crowds, with clashes erupting in Beit Ummar during the Saturday morning funeral for 15-year-year old Khalid Bahr .

      Locals of Beit Ummar carried Khalid’s body to be buried after performing a prayer in the town’s mosque Saturday morning.

      Israeli forces killed the 15-year-old boy on Oct. 20 in the village, when Israeli authorities claimed a soldier shot Khalid for throwing rocks at Israeli forces. An internal Israeli army investigation later revealed that the lives of Israeli soldiers were not at risk when Khalid was killed.

      Following Khalid’s funeral, clashes erupted between Palestinian youth and Israeli forces at the entrance of Beit Ummar, after dozens of local youth threw rocks and empty bottles at the Israeli military post at the entrance of the town.

      Witnesses said that an Israeli army ambulance was at the scene transferring a soldier from the area.

      Locals said that Israeli military reinforcement arrived to the area afterwards, where Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated steel bullets and tear-gas bombs at youths.

      The funeral was preceded by a predawn Israeli army raid in central Beit Ummar Saturday morning. Activist Muhammad Awad said that Israeli forces raided and searched the house of Moussa Hassan Zaaqiq, which has been raided several times previously.

  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian woman at Nablus checkpoint after alleged stabbing attempt
    Oct. 19, 2016 1:21 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 19, 2016 5:57 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a young Palestinian woman at the Zaatara military checkpoint in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus on Wednesday after she allegedly attempted to stab Israeli border police.

    The slain woman was identified by local sources as 23-year-old Rahiq Shaji Birawi from the village of Asira al-Shamaliya north of Nablus city.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said in a statement that Birawi approached Israeli border guards stationed at the Tappuah junction — the Israeli term for the area around the checkpoint — when they fired warning shots into the air. After she “ignored their directives and their calls for her to stop,” Birawi allegedly pulled out a knife, and Israeli forces opened live fire and “neutralized” her.

    Al-Samri first said that the woman “seemingly” died, and confirmed her death a short time later.

    The head of Asira al-Shamaliya’s local council, Nasser Jawabra, told Ma’an that Birawi “had never been affiliated to any political parties,” and said that she was married to a man currently residing in the United States.

    Jawabra said that Birawi’s father was detained by Israeli forces at a military checkpoint near Tulkarem as he returned home from his construction job after being notified of his daughter’s death.


    • http://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/reportages/l-arm-e-isra-lienne-tue-un-adolescent-de-15-ans-qui-jetait-des-pierre

      Plus tôt ce jeudi, l’armée israélienne a défendu des officiers de police qui avaient tiré, mercredi, sur une jeune Palestinienne de 19 ans parce qu’elle essayait de les poignarder, selon eux. Plus tard, des images vidéo ont montré les policiers lui tirant dessus alors qu’elle était à terre.

      Selon les autorités israéliennes, la femme, Raheeq Shajeyeh Yousef, se serait approchée de la police des frontières en ignorant les ordres qui lui intimaient de s’arrêter, et aurait dégainé un couteau. Les officiers ont ensuite ouvert le feu.

      L’incident s’est droulé au carrefour de Tapuah, une zone de tensions au nord de la Cisjordanie occupée. L’endroit, aussi connu sous le nom de carrefour de Zaatara, est proche de colonies israéliennes et a déjà été le théâtre de plusieurs incidents violents.

      Les images semblent montrer des officiers en train d’ouvrir le feu sur Yousef alors qu’elle se trouve déjà au sol. Quatre policiers sont visibles sur la vidéo. « Qui a tiré ? », entend-on. « Tous les quatre », répond quelqu’un d’autre.

      La police a annoncé qu’une enquête sur l’incident mortel avait été lancée mais a défendu les officiers. « La vidéo ne donne qu’une image partielle de l’événement », a affirmé Luba Samri, porte-parole de la police. « Il n’est pas possible de voir la terroriste s’avancer vers les officiers pendant qu’elle tient son couteau et qu’elle menace leur vie ».

      « Dans l’enregistrement, il est possible de voir qu’immédiatement après que le danger a été neutralisé et écarté, les policiers ont arrêté de tirer, bouclé la zone et procédé au suivi de l’incident ».

      Le ministre palestinien des Affaires étrangères a toutefois durement critiqué les tirs sur la femme en prenant pour preuve l’enregistrement, « montrant que les soldats ont continué à tirer sur elle alors qu’elle tombait au sol et qu’elle ne représentait plus aucune menace », et ajoutant qu’il y avait des dizaines de cas comme le sien.

      VIDÉO : Des troupes israéliennes semblent tirer sur une Palestinienne étendue au sol
      Un site d’informations israélien a publié des images qui semblent montrer des soldats en train de tirer sur une femme de 19 ans qui était déjà étendue au sol

      Video reportedly shows Israeli forces killing Palestinian woman at Zaatara checkpoint
      Oct. 20, 2016 2:44 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 21, 2016 10:38 A.M.)
      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A video posted on social media on Thursday reportedly showed moments when a young Palestinian woman was shot to death by Israeli forces a day earlier.

      Rahiq Shaji Birawi, 23, from the village of Asira al-Shamaliya in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus, was killed by Israeli border police on Wednesday as she allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Zaatara military checkpoint.

      The video, filmed on a cell phone by a bystander, shows four Israeli border police officers shooting at a figure already lying on the ground several meters away from them.

      At least ten shots can be heard in the first two seconds of the video.

    • Funerals held for slain Palestinians draw large crowds, spark clashes in Beit Ummar
      Dec. 17, 2016 2:19 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 17, 2016 2:29 P.M.)

      In the northern occupied West Bank village of Asira al-Shamaliya in the Nablus district, hundreds of Palestinians marched in the funeral of Rahiq Birawi.

      Israeli authorities returned her body late Friday night at the Jit crossroads, after it had been held since Israeli forces shot and killed her on Oct. 19 for an alleged stabbing attempt at a military checkpoint in southern Nablus. Birawi was shot more than 30 times by four Israeli border police officers. The incident, which was caught on video, was under Israeli army investigation.

      Mourners waved pictures of Birawi, Palestinians flags, and flags of several Palestinian factions while repeating slogans calling for continuing resistance against the Israeli occupation.