Donald Trump Makes the New York Times Great Again !


  • L’article de Jon Schwarz sur l’« interview » de Trump par l’équipe du NY Times est proprement désopilant : Donald Trump Makes the New York Times Great Again !

    Then Trump was elected. And now that he’s not just potentially powerful but genuinely powerful, the paper appears to be returning to its traditional role of feebly accommodating presidents rather than actually holding them accountable.

    According to the Times itself, Reince Priebus, Donald Trump’s chief-of-staff-to-be, tried to trick Trump into canceling his interview with the Times on Tuesday because Priebus was worried Trump “could face questions he might not be prepared to answer.”

    Priebus shouldn’t have worried.

    All of the Times’ top editors and reporters together, given a golden opportunity, found themselves unable to perform basic journalism.


    Thomas Friedman’s meandering, pillow-soft inquiries, complete with his transparent attempts to butter Trump up, have to be read to be believed. Friedman instinctively ingratiates himself with the powerful like a beta chimp.