Clinton’s Defeat and the ’Fake News’ Conspiracy - Original by -


  • Clinton’s Defeat and the ‘Fake News’ Conspiracy

    The media have suddenly woken up to the supposed threat to western democracies posed by “#fake_news”.


    “Fake news”, of course, does not concern the systematic deceptions promoted by the corporate #media. It does not include the demonstrable lies – like those Iraqi WMDs – spread by western governments and intelligence agencies through the corporate media. It does not even refer to the press corps’ habitual reports – demonstrating a seemingly gargantuan gullibility – that take at face value the endless state propaganda against Official Enemies, whether Cuba, Venezuela, Libya or Syria. Or Russia and now Trump.

    No, “fake news” is produced only by bloggers and independent websites, and is promoted on social media. Those peddling “fake news” are writers, journalists and activists whose pay packets do not depend on continuing employment by western state-run media like the BBC, billionaire proprietors like Rupert Murdoch, or global corporations like Times-Warner.