
  • Attention : Al Arabiya attaque le journaliste Nir Rosen sur la base des emails fuités – dont Angry Arab assure qu’ils sont faux ou bidouillés. Il est ici présenté comme un « informateur » du régime syrien, sur la base d’un email (qui ressemble à une demande d’interview…).


    Nir Rosen :

    The allegations about me are completely untrue. I will be responding in a longer format in 24 hours when I am back online so please wait

    Marc Lynch :

    I’ve been skeptical of authenticity of the Assad emails from the start, same applies to @nirrosen allegations. Waiting.

    Asa Winstanley

    @Falasteeni you know this this worse than silliness. It’s a sectarian attack on @nirrosen that could put his life in danger. Sick of this.


    Really, all these ’leaked’ emails about Syria, whether allegedly belonging to the Assads or @nirrosen, are sensationalist silliness.

    • La réponse de Nir Rosen :

      In Syria my articles have not been pro-regime or anti-regime. From the beginning opponents of the regime accused me of being its agent while supporters of the regime accused me of serving Qatar, Saudi Arabia or America. These are stupid accusations and I never lowered myself to respond to them before. My goal was to provide an anthropology of Syria’s descent into civil war so people could understand what is happening there. I am more proud of my work in Syria than anything I have previously done. It is a clear eyed account which does not idealize or romanticize anybody but while sober it is always empathetic.

      Some people gave me the benefit of the doubt. But I do not need it. My journalism speaks for itself and should prevent any doubts, as should my work for Human Rights Watch, Refugees International, the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations. But I do not give the benefit of the doubt to those who made these scurrilous accusations against me, including one who publicly accused me today of collaborating with the Taliban as well. These accusations against me are more than irresponsible, they are malicious, politically motivated and conducted by my ideological enemies. I have already contacted a lawyer to explore whether I can take those who are defaming me to court. The rest should say a silent thank you that there exist people willing to endure difficult and dangerous conditions to provide them with an understanding of events in far away places, and offer a prayer for our safety.