On Profiling, And Google’s Big Double-Cross | Threat Level


  • On Profiling, And Google’s Big Double-Cross | Wired

    Google has said for years that it wouldn’t profile its users and built data silos to make it so.

    (...) [But] #Google is afraid of being eclipsed in public opinion by #Facebook [...]. Scared companies make decisions that are often bad for their long-term prospects, and worse for their users.

    And that’s exactly what your new mega-profile is — it’s creepy; it’s a double-cross, and it will, in the end, cement Google’s reputation as being too powerful and unworthy of our trust. A search engine doesn’t need to know my name, or who I e-mail, or need a secret psycho-graphic profile of me to get me to the right page. And if such an online profile would help and I want that help, it should be up to me to define that profile and connect the data services in ways that I define (oddly, exactly what Google’s initial profiles started out being).

    #publicité #fichage #profil #real_name