Stop Saying AI Can’t Replace Humans


  • Stop Saying AI Can’t Replace Humans - Shelly Palmer

    We are not close enough to general-knowledge artificial intelligence to consider a world where such a system could completely replace a cognitive nonrepetitive (white-collar) worker.
    The most probable future is far scarier.

    Man/Machine Partnerships

    As I recently wrote in Partner, or Die!, the best way to prepare yourself for the accelerating onslaught of AI and machine learning systems is to learn to partner with them. We are tool users; these systems are tools. Just as the steam engine amplified the power of our muscles, computers amplify the power of our brains. We can partner with machines to create competitive advantage for ourselves. But the devil is in the details.

    Partial Replacement, Complete Threat

    Everyone’s new, short-term goal is to form strong, competitive, awesome man/machine partnerships.

    Et maintenant la définition du public de ces réflexions :

    But people are expensive! So the results of your man/machine partnership will have to be more productive than a partnership formed by cheaper laborers. If you’re a 50-plus-year-old auditor making over $500k annually, then a 20-something-year-old, newly minted CPA and his or her trusty AI companion are going to do your job for less than 25 percent of what you’re being paid. Guess how long management is going to let that continue?

    Comme par hasard SP mentionne le sort de la majorité des gens, de nous qui ne sommes pas dirigeants d’entreprises internationales et managers. Nous sommes de plus en plus bon marchés.

    You’ve Got It Wrong – This Is Where Experience and Wisdom Come In

    Yes. This is exactly where experience and wisdom become exceptionally important. But remember, to change your world, AI does not need to replace humans – it just needs to replace you.

    Après une dernière escalation de la menace décrite SP propose une solution pour le manager de plus en plus inquiet :

    Simple Strategy, Complex Execution

    The lesson here is very clear. You must become the “Amazon” of your chosen field. How? First, invent the future. You must try to see the world as it will become. Saying that “it’s all about data” is not the same as understanding the sources and uses of data that will shape your future.

    Essayez de resoudre ce quiz de mémoire seulement - voici une preuve pour la véracité de la thése de l’auteur.

    Bonus Sci-Fi Quiz: Do you know the books, movies, and Bonus Sci-Fi Quiz:

    Do you know the books, movies, and TV series these fictional sentient systems are associated with?
    Robot B-9 “Robby,” the copies of Dr. Roger Korby or James T. Kirk (Star Trek, obviously, but can you name the series and the episode?), C3-P0 (Star Wars, of course, but how does it greet every new life form it meets?), Mother, WOPR, Skynet, Optimus Prime, Lieutenant Commander Data, The Matrix, V.I.K.I., Sonny, and my new favorite mechanical device, Dolores Abernathy.

    TV series these fictional sentient systems are associated with?
    Robot B-9 “Robby,” the copies of Dr. Roger Korby or James T. Kirk (Star Trek, obviously, but can you name the series and the episode?), C3-P0 (Star Wars, of course, but how does it greet every new life form it meets?), Mother, WOPR, Skynet, Optimus Prime, Lieutenant Commander Data, The Matrix, V.I.K.I., Sonny, and my new favorite mechanical device, Dolores Abernathy.

    Alors en fin de compte qu’est-ce qui nous reste à faire face à la menace par le plateformes du techno-monopolisme multinationales ? Le réponse se résume en deux mots :

    Soyons solidaires.

    D’accord, c’est un peu trop vague comme stratégie. Alors j’ai relu l’article de SP. J’y ai découvert des idées qu’on peut développer en outils pour la cause des gens simples.

    P.S. J’aime bien la traduction automatique dans le contexte de #seenthis. C’est un bel exemple de solidarité techniquement assistée .

    #travail #concurrence #solidarité #spip-story