The Shadow Scholar - The Chronicle Review


  • Le récit assez édifiant d’un écrivain dont les clients sont des étudiants lui demandant de rédiger divers mémoires, rapports ou recherches dans différentes disciplines. Avec en creux une critique assez radicale du système d’évaluation et de notation aux États-Unis, mais c’est sans doute à peu près la même chose en France.

    The Shadow Scholar - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    I’ve written toward a master’s degree in cognitive psychology, a Ph.D. in sociology, and a handful of postgraduate credits in international diplomacy. I’ve worked on bachelor’s degrees in hospitality, business administration, and accounting. I’ve written for courses in history, cinema, labor relations, pharmacology, theology, sports management, maritime security, airline services, sustainability, municipal budgeting, marketing, philosophy, ethics, Eastern religion, postmodern architecture, anthropology, literature, and public administration. I’ve attended three dozen online universities. I’ve completed 12 graduate theses of 50 pages or more. All for someone else.

    You’ve never heard of me, but there’s a good chance that you’ve read some of my work. I’m a hired gun, a doctor of everything, an academic mercenary. My customers are your students. I promise you that. Somebody in your classroom uses a service that you can’t detect, that you can’t defend against, that you may not even know exists.

    I work at an online company that generates tens of thousands of dollars a month by creating original essays based on specific instructions provided by cheating students. I’ve worked there full time since 2004. On any day of the academic year, I am working on upward of 20 assignments.

    #éducation #université #triche #ghostwriter