• Obama officials’ spin on Benghazi attack mirrors Bin Laden raid untruths | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

    For a full week now, administration officials have categorically insisted that the prime, if not only, cause of the attack was spontaneous anger over the anti-Muhammad film, The Innocence of Muslims.

    (…) most evidence from the start strongly suggested that the White House’s claims – that this attack was motivated by anger over a film – were false. From McClatchy:

    “The head of Libya’s interim government, key US lawmakers and experts contend that the attack appeared long-planned, complex and well-coordinated, matching descriptions given to McClatchy last week by the consulate’s landlord and a wounded security guard, who denied there was a protest at the time and said the attackers carried the banner of Ansar al-Shariah, an Islamist militia.”

    Indeed, Libya’s president has spent the week publicly announcing that there is “no doubt” the attack was planned well in advance and had nothing to do with the video.