Radio Panik - Show 769


  • [Radia] Show 769

    Subaudible Phonography from the Archives of Christopher DeLaurenti (Wave Farm WGXC 90.7-FM) :

    Created by Christopher DeLaurenti.

    He writes, “Phonography has been sometimes been defined as “creative field recording,” taking and placing microphones out into the world in unusual ways and unexpected places. In this program phonographer Christopher DeLaurenti presents several specimens of subaudible phonography – field recordings from outside the realm of human hearing.

    This program features four examples. “Below the written pitches of Brian Ferneyhough’s ‘Superscriptio’ for solo piccolo” spectrally extracts sound beneath the written pitches of Brian Ferneyhough’s “Superscriptio” to reveal recording anomalies, latent undertones, and mechanical noises. It’s akin to hearing the piece through a (...)