DNA Risk Markers Not Very Good for Predicting Disease


  • DNA Risk Markers Not Very Good for Predicting Disease

    For the study, researchers analyzed data from almost 600 previously published studies that identified associations between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and more than 200 medical conditions. Most of the time, genetics explained no more than 5%-10% of the risk for several common ailments including certain cancers, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

    “Most common, chronic diseases have little to do with genetics or to do with your parents or the genes you inherited from them,” said senior study author David Wishart, a researcher at the University of Alberta in Canada.


    The study found some exceptions, where genetics clearly do play a more powerful role, accounting for up to about half of the risk for diseases like Crohn’s, celiac, and macular degeneration, Wishart noted.

    “Despite these rare exceptions, it is becoming increasingly clear that the risks for getting most diseases arise from your metabolism, your environment, your lifestyle, or your exposure to various kinds of nutrients, chemicals, bacteria, or viruses,” Wishart said.

    A partir de : https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0220215

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