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  • Compte twitter Counting Dead Women

    UK women killed by men or where a man is the principal/primary suspect. Account run by @k_ingalasmith

    #féminicide #données #UK #Angleterre #femmes #meurtres #violence_domestique #violences_sexuelles

    Le fil est tenu par une chercheuse, une sociologue de l’université de Durham, #Karen_Ingala_Smith, dont voici le site perso :


    Et sa page institutionnelle :

    Since 2009, I have been Chief Executive of nia, an East London based charity providing services for women, girls and children who have experienced sexual and domestic violence. Under my leadership, nia has maintained an undaunted feminist commitment to ending male violence. During an unfavourable economic climate, I have built upon nia’s reputation for innovative and creative ways of responding to the needs of the women and children it serves to become a highly regarded organisation championing an integrated approach to addressing all forms of male violence. nia’s services include East London Rape Crisis; The Emma Project –a unique refuge for women who have experienced domestic and sexual violence; Daria House – a refuge for women who have been sexually exploited with a focus on supporting women who been exploited through their involvement in prostitution; the London Exiting and Advocacy Project supporting women to exit prostitution; and the recently launched Huggett Women’s Centre.



    The #Femicide_Census

    The Femicide Census is a unique source of comprehensive information about women who have been killed in the UK and the men who have killed them.

    Men’s violence against women is a leading cause of the premature death for women globally but research in the UK and Europe is limited and unconnected. The Femicide Census significantly improves upon currently available data by providing detailed comparable data about femicides in the UK since 2009, including demographic and social factors and the methods men selected to kill women. By collating femicides, we can see that these killings are not isolated incidents, and many follow repeated patterns.

    Launched in 2015, The Femicide Census was founded by Karen Ingala Smith and Clarissa O’Callaghan with support from Freshfields, Deloitte and Women’s Aid (England). It was inspired by information collected by Karen and recorded in her blog Counting Dead Women. Since then, The Femicide Census has become established as a leading articulation of men’s fatal violence against women in the UK. We are now ready to take the Femicide Census into its next phase as an independent entity.


    #recensement #chiffres #statistiques #données #base_de_données


    Karen Ingala Smith est citée ici, en lien avec le coronavirus/covid-19 :
    Domestic abuse killings ’more than double’ amid Covid-19 lockdown