
  • AYS Daily Digest 16/04/20

    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Exposing the harsh realities of the conditions that migrants and refugees are forced to endure, a video has been shared highlighting how 4 young boys are made to shelter in a shack next to an open rubbish dump.
    The Council of Ministers have acted on a proposal from the Ministry of Security and have approved new measures to restrict the movement and stay of foreign nationals without valid identification documents, can demonstrate that they are legally staying in BiH or have applied for asylum.
    These restrictions will prohibit the movement and stay outside the centres in which these foreign nationals are housed. Anyone found breaching these rules, in accordance with the Law on Aliens will be transferred to the nearest temporary reception centre. These restrictions are implemented on a provisional basis until the Council of Ministers decide that the reason for prescribing these measures has ceased.

    Aegean Boat report claim that there have been no new arrivals on the Greek islands in the last week. If true, this will be the first time since 2015. Unfortunately, we know that this absence of new arrivals is not because safe and legal migrant routes have been opened but because the Greek coast guards have been ordered to prevent migrants from entering Greek waters using the pretext of COVID-19 to justify their actions.
    Aegean Boat report has also shared a report into the experience of 131 people who have been abandoned at the point of arrival in Lesvos. These people have been living outside for 25 days without any support from the authorities and with minimal assistance from UNHCR.
    Human Right Watch has urged the Greek government to release hundreds of unaccompanied children currently locked up in police cells.
    HRW affirms that “kids should be in safe, child-friendly housing with the freedom to learn, play and thrive. Yet, hundreds of migrant children in Greece without a parent or relative are sitting behind bars in police jails and immigration detention. Their conditions create a heightened risk for contracting COVID-19”
    The organisation believes that there are at least 331 children currently in police custody waiting for transfer to a shelter. In addition to the psychological stress and the increased risk of contracting COVID-19, HRW has documented instances of ill-treatment by the police that these children have had to ensure.

    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Grèce #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Lesbos #Camp #Postedepolice #Détention #Enfants #Mineursnonaccompagnés
