Draconian arrests of Palestinians - Israel News


  • Draconian arrests of Palestinians
    | Haaretz Daily Newspaper


    Comment arrêter sans raisons un Palestinien... Des lois qui en disent long sur « l’état de droit » en Israël

    Fourteen Palestinians freed in the Gilad Shalit deal were arrested by the IDF and Shin Bet security service. Amira Hass reported on Sunday in Haaretz that five of them might serve from 16 to 28 years in prison due to secret or negligible offenses they are accused of committing after their release. This revolving door system is not only inhuman in itself, it also undermines the agreements Israel signed and will make future deals much harder to achieve.

    The arrest of the 14 Palestinians was possible due to the confidential 2009 changes in the military law, ‏decree 1651, which were introduced as the negotiations were being held. These changes allow the IDF and Shin Bet to re-arrest any person released before the end of his original term, following offenses that do not involve terrorist actions, such as traffic violations, participating in illegal demonstrations or illegal entry to Israel − and that based on confidential evidence.