Learning to See | Information Architects


  • Learning to See - by Oliver Reichenstein | Information Architects

    Since professional designers focus on functional beauty and hard-to-spot detail, they can call things beautiful that may seem blunt, cold, or overly simple to a non-designer. This might explain why designers and non-designers sometimes come to like different things.

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    • Designers are not superior creatures that can ignore listening to other, supposedly inferior beings. In contrary! Without critical feedback and the modesty to accept all opinions on our work as a perfectly valid, different view no matter who, how and what , we lose our freaky key ability, which is not just to see more, but to see more with one eye, and feel with the other.

      Every feedback is always valid, and it’s particulary in the deepening of the “who, how and what” that a designer can realize the validity of a particular feedback, behind the “It’s ugly” or “I don’t like it”. Learning to see is :
      seeing things that are not-obvious, hidden and seeing by eyes of everyone / anyone.

      You need a design eye to design, and a non-designer eye to feel what you designed.

      “See with one eye, feel with the other.”
      ― Paul Klee

      See and feel. Expertise and empathy .