Kuwait hangs 3 men in first executions since 2007 | WireUpdate


  • Nouvelle application de la peine de mort au Koweit apres six ans de moratoire de fait

    KUWAIT CITY, KUWAIT (BNO NEWS) — Authorities in Kuwait on Monday hanged three men convicted of murder, marking the first executions in the Gulf state in nearly six years, officials said. Human rights activists described the executions as a ’deplorable setback’ for human rights in the country.

    The three men were hanged at around 8 a.m. local time at the Central Prison, located west of the capital Kuwait City, in front of judicial officials and journalists.

    One of those hanged was identified as a stateless Arab who had been convicted of shooting to death his wife, his son and daughter and attempting to kill another daughter. The others were a Saudi citizen who had been convicted of stabbing to death a friend and a Pakistani citizen who had been convicted of killing a couple by hanging them with a rope.
