Dick Cheney – Halliburton – Blackwater


  • Le problème de la #NSA n’est pas comment protéger votre vie privée, le problème est comment protéger votre vie face á une organisation d’assassins.

    Dick Cheney – Halliburton – Blackwater - Roxy World News Videos

    Published on May 11, 2013
    Bill Maher shredded by Glenn Greenwald on US intervention in Muslim countries

    Bill Maher is taken apart by Glenn Greenwald for trying to absolve the US from any responsibility for the mass slaughter and destruction in Muslim countries, blaming it on Islamic fundamentalism, as if the Afghanistan and Iraq wars never happened, as if the US wasn’t pushing for more war in Iran, as if it isn’t intervening in Somalia and Yemen.


    Amazing we had a sitting vice president start a totally bogus war by highjacking the post 9/11 public climate and steering that need for action and response simply into a vehicle for the fantastic ehrichment of Halliburton shareholders, and he got away with it!
    Not only that, but we just paid for his new heart with taxpayer provided healthcare….. which of course the rest of us are denied.
    What a parasite on the public trough he is. What a pariah!
    It’s not often you see pure evil.

    Jeremy Scahill – Blackwater : The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army

    Author and journalist, Jeremy Scahill, talks about the private contractor mercenary company, Blackwater, on the Portland stop of his book tour for the launch of the paperback edition of his book, BLACKWATER: THE RISE OF THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL MERCENARY ARMY.

    GRITtv : Jeremy Scahill : Blackwater’s Secret War in Pakistan

    Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill talks about his bombshell story in The Nation about Blackwater’s involvement in targeted killings, drone attacks, and other covert operations in Pakistan.
    GRITtv with Laura Flanders brings participatory democracy onto your computer screen and into your living room, bridging the gap between audience and advocates. Watch any show, at any time:

    Cheney Tells America "Go Fu*k yourself

    After being told two-thirds of Americans now think the war was not worth fighting, Cheney replied: “So?” “So you don’t care what the American people think?”

    Of course Cheney admitted later that there “Never was a connection between Iraq and 9/11″.
    Cheney Also admitted he set the Plame CIA leak in motion.


    Greenwald fait référence au tribunal de Nuremberg qui établit la notion de supreme crime : les crimes contre la paix.
    Dick Cheney, Bush et d’autres membres de son gouvernement ne seront jamais inquiétés alors qu’ils admettent avec fierté d’avoir commis ces crimes. Depuis son investiture le président Obama exerce une forte pression sur les juges américains pour les empêcher d’enquêter sur les crimes des gouvernements précédents.