Lampedusa tragedy : Another survivor says Italy and Malta bickered on rescue


  • Così abbiamo indagato sulla strage dei bimbi

    “L’Espresso” pubblica questa settimana, nel numero in edicola, i risultati dell’inchiesta sulla strage dei bambini siriani, avvenuta l’11 ottobre a 60 miglia a Sud di #Lampedusa.

    –-> L’Espresso publie cette semaine, les résultats de l’enquête sur le massacre des enfants Syriens, advenue le 11 octobre à 60 milles à Sud de Lampedusa...

    Un’indagine nostra, giornalistica. Non della magistratura. E i risultati sono agghiaccianti: mentre dal peschereccio che stava affondando supplicavano l’aiuto dell’Italia, la nave Libra della Marina militare era a poche miglia. Ma per ore non è stata coinvolta nelle operazioni di salvataggio. L’hanno mobilitata soltanto dopo il rovesciamento dell’imbarcazione piena di famiglie e bimbi. In quelle stesse ore la Guardia costiera, che aveva ricevuto la prima richiesta di soccorso, ha passato l’intervento a Malta. Nonostante gli italiani fossero molto più vicini al punto dell’imminente naufragio. “Abbiamo rispettato gli accordi internazionali”, dicono ora dal comando di Roma delle Capitanerie di porto. Ecco come sono morte oltre 260 persone: tra i sessanta e i cento bambini, i loro genitori, ragazze e ragazzi che fuggivano dalla guerra in Siria.

    –-> Une enquête journalistiques. Non pas de la magistrature. Et les résultats sont affreux : tandis que depuis le bateau en détresse les personnes à bord demandaient de l’aide à l’Italie, le navire #Libra de la marine militaire étaient à quelques milles. Mais pendant des heures il n’a pas été inclus dans les #opérations_de_sauvetage. Ils l’ont mobilisée uniquement après que le navire ait chaviré, plein de familles et d’enfants. En ces mêmes heures, la garde-côte, qui avait reçu la première requête d’aide, a donné l’intervention à Malte. Malgré les italiens étaient beaucoup plus proches du bateau en détresse. « Nous avons respecté les accords internationaux », dit maintenant la Capitaneria di porto. Voilà comment 260 personnes sont mortes : 60 à 100 enfants, leurs parents, jeunes hommes et jeunes filles qui fuyaient la guerre en Syrie.

    de #Fabrizio_Gatti

    #migration #Syrie #Italie #Malte #réfugié #asile #mourir_en_mer #Méditerranée

    • And in English!

      Lampedusa, passing the buck of responsabilities: this is how they left the Syrian children drown

      The “Libra” ship of the Italian Navy was just a few miles away from the refugees. But it wasn’t engaged in rescue operations for hours. The first call for help reached the Coast Guard station in Rome. Which in turn passed on the intervention to Malta despite Italians were closer to the site of the shipwreck. “We acted in compliance with International agreements.” This is how more than 260 people died on October 11. The shocking story on “l’Espresso”

    • Lampedusa tragedy:TMI and L’Espresso questions unanswered

      The Armed Forces of Malta yesterday categorically denied what it said was ‘insinuated’ in The Malta Independent on Sunday’s front page story, which asked if Malta tried to act alone in rescuing Syrian migrants on a sinking boat near Lampedusa.

      Sources said the Maltese government could have asked for help from a number of nearby vessels but, for some reason, had waited for a Maltese patrol boat to reach the area. Before it got there, the migrant boat capsized and 270 people lost their lives.

      In a statement the AFM said; “The Armed Forces of Malta categorically denies what the Article entitled ‘Lampedusa tragedy - a case of political bravado gone wrong?’ published on the front page of the Malta Independent on Sunday 15th December, is insinuating. The Armed Forces of Malta in the October 11th tragedy acted as according to international laws and to long established procedures . The Armed Forces of Malta’s sequence of events is substantiated by documentation.” However, no documentation has been released by the AFM.

      The Malta Independent on Sunday yesterday quoted sources saying that the events that took place on October 11 seemed to show that Malta took the riskiest option by not sending nearby vessels to the migrants’ rescue and relied instead on sending an AFM patrol boat from 230 kilometres away. The sources asked whether the Maltese government had tried to save the migrants without help from other countries.

      Documents and eyewitness accounts show that there were several nearby vessels that could have been sent to the rescue, but for unknown reasons were not. Two merchant ships, one Italian Navy warship, five Guardia Costiera launches, two Guardia di Finanza patrol boats and a number of fishing vessels were in the area. For some reason they were not called to intercept the migrant boat until after it boat capsized and sank at around 5.10pm. The Maltese patrol boat was first on site, at 5.51pm. The AFM and the Italians saved 200 people, but it is estimated that around 270 others perished.

    • #Lampedusa tragedy: Another survivor says Italy and Malta bickered on rescue

      Italy and Malta bickered over the 11 October rescue operation, each insisting that the other was responsible to save 400 migrants from a sinking boat, another survivor of the tragedy has alleged.

      In a Corriere della Sera blog, Rfaat Hazima, who is desperately calling for help to find his two lost sons – eight-year-old Mohamad and 12-year-old Ahmad– has given his own account of what happened on 11 October.

      “I, my wife and our three children left Libya on 10 October. The following day we started calling for help at noon. We called the Italian and Maltese coast guard. The Italians answered and told us that we were closer to Malta. But the Maltese were telling us the exact opposite, because they claimed that we were closer to Italy.

      After a number of tries the Italian Coast Guard told us that they would come to our rescue in 40 minutes but help did not arrive until 4.40pm. By that time we were in the water. At this point I lost sight of my three sons. A few minutes later I spotted my eldest – Anas – but there was no sign of Mohamad and Ahmad. We were alone in the water and there was no sign of the Italians or the Maltese. After 20 minutes I spotted my wife. We waited for another hour until a helicopter came over and dropped a life raft.

      As soon as I put my wife and son onto the raft I went looking for my other sons. Then the Maltese boat arrived, followed by the Italian vessel a few minutes later. The Maltese were picking up adults and children, but the Italians were picking up only children. They refused to let me board. I kept searching for my children for around four hours and when I lost all hope I returned to my wife and my eldest son on the raft.

      Later on we were picked up by the Maltese boat and we were taken to Malta. A certain Dr Maamun Abras told me that he had seen my sons on board the Italian patrol boat and assured me that they were alive and I would see them again. Two weeks after we arrived in Malta Italy sent pictures of the survivors but there were no pictures of my sons. A week later they sent us pictures of those who had died, but once again, there were no pictures of my sons.”

      #témoignage #survivant #mourir_en_mer