UV Lights Reveal Standing Urination Splashback


  • UV Lights Reveal Standing Urination Splashback | QS Supplies

    Sur les dégâts de la position debout pour faire #pipi : moins les éclaboussures sont grosses, plus elles se dispersent.

    When at home, 7 in 10 men said they usually pee standing rather than sitting.

    We simulated standing urination under UV light to observe the droplets and mist created, and in every simulation, we found that peeing while standing covers the toilet and surrounding area with splashback that usually remains unseen.

    Men who pee while standing most often aim at the rear wall of the toilet bowl (31% of men) and believe this surface minimises mess – but we found it creates more unseen splashback than any other aiming technique.

    The furthest distance a droplet flew during our tests was 36 inches – nearly 1 metre. One in 4 people we spoke to said their toothbrush was within this distance.

    Roughly 1 in 3 men and 1 in 5 women think it’s ‘unmanly’ if a man usually sits to pee.

    But faced with the reality of splashback their standing urination creates, one-quarter of men would consider sitting down more often in the future.

    #toilettes #hygiène #pisse-debout #masculinité