Pianist Igor Levit joins rally against far-right Alternative for Germany in Potsdam


  • Pianist Igor Levit joins rally against far-right Alternative for Germany in Potsdam - World Socialist Web Site


    Only days after several German newspapers published vicious denunciations of Igor Levit, the world renowned pianist participated in a rally against the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in #Potsdam, the state capital of the German state of Brandenburg.

    He was the leading figure at a protest last week called to oppose the taking over of the leadership of the AfD in the Brandenburg state parliament by a representative of the openly fascist and right-wing extremist faction within the party, known as “the Wing” or “Flügel.” Since the German word “Flügel” also means grand piano, the protesters’ slogan “The grand piano instead of the Wing” (Flügel statt Flügel) was a clever play on words. Levit entertained the AfD opponents by playing on a concert grand piano on a stage set up in front of the state parliament.

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