Aaron Mate | Aaron Maté


  • The Jimmy #Dore show

    In a recent appearance on the Fox Business Channel, retired US Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor told incredulous host Stuart Varney that#Ukraine has little hope of defeating Russia on the battlefield, and the only reason that Ukrainian President Zelensky insists on continuing is because his NATO puppet-masters are demanding that the fight continue.

    Jimmy and The #Grayzone’s Aaron #Maté (https://mate.substack.com) discuss Zelensky’s precarious position trying to represent the Ukrainian people’s interests while also appeasing the NATO allies who want Ukraine to keep fighting and the neo-Nazi militias that ahve threatened to assassinate him if he negotiates with Russia.


    There is very little question about what Vladimir Putin’s stated objectives are in invading Ukraine – he has made clear Russia’s demands in terms of Ukrainian neutrality and resolution of the disputed Donbas region. Ukrainian president Zelensky, likely at NATO’s urging, has so far rejected these demands, however, and as a result the war will likely continue for some time to come.

    Jimmy and The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté (https://mate.substack.com) discuss the prospects of a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine crisis.


  • Media Lies About Ukraine/Russia DEBUNKED! the Jimmy #Dore show

    The media description of the Russian attack on Ukraine has almost universally elided and whitewashed the role played by the US and its NATO allies, including supporting a coup overthrowing the democratically elected president in 2014, refusing to support the Minsk Accords or refusing to engage in negotiations in the months leading up to the Russian invasion.

    Jimmy and The #Grayzone’s Aaron Maté http://mate.substack.com discuss the lies and misrepresentations surrounding the leadup to the war in #Ukraine.


    • Les Dix principes élémentaires de la propagande de guerre Anne Morelli
      • Nous ne voulons pas la guerre ;
      • Le camp adverse est le seul responsable de la guerre ;
      • Le chef du camp adverse a le visage du diable (ou « l’affreux de service ») ;
      • C’est une cause noble que nous défendons et non des intérêts particuliers ;
      • L’ennemi provoque sciemment des atrocités, et si nous commettons des bavures c’est involontairement ;
      • L’ennemi utilise des armes non autorisées ;
      • Nous subissons très peu de pertes, les pertes de l’ennemi sont énormes ;
      • Les artistes et intellectuels soutiennent notre cause ;
      • Notre cause a un caractère sacré ;
      • Ceux (et celles) qui mettent en doute notre propagande sont des traîtres.