Sheryl Sandberg allegedly leant on Daily Mail news site to drop stories about ex-boyfriend | Sheryl Sandberg


  • Sheryl Sandberg allegedly leant on Daily Mail news site to drop stories about ex-boyfriend | Sheryl Sandberg | The Guardian

    Sheryl Sandberg, the Meta executive, allegedly pressured the Daily Mail to drop unflattering stories about her then-boyfriend Bobby Kotick, the Activision Blizzard CEO, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.

    The Journal reports that she persuaded the digital edition of the Mail not to run stories revealing that an ex-girlfriend of Kotick had obtained a temporary restraining order against him in 2014. Kotick reportedly said that Sandberg, who he dated for three years until 2019, told the Mail in 2016 that if the article were published, it could damage the outlet’s relationship with Facebook. Sandberg allegedly contacted the Daily Mail in 2016 and 2019 to put a stop to the articles, and both times the stories never ran.

    According to the Wall Street Journal’s reporting, Meta and Activision employees were involved in Sandberg’s effort to kill the story, as well as outside advisers.

    Le patron d’Activision-Blizzard-King serait empêtré dans une nouvelle affaire de harcèlement. À titre personnel, il avait déjà été accusé d’avoir menacé de mort une hôtesse à bord de son avion personnel. Et il est indirectement mis en cause d’avoir laissé une culture toxique se développer à Activision-Blizzard, au coeur d’un scandale de culture toxique au sein du groupe que les ressources-humaines auraient fait taire, au lieu d’y faire face.

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