Diplomatie du loup guerrier — Wikipédia


  • Top German wolf warrior wants China to end war the West sponsors

    Pour les Chinois connaissant la politique occidentale la ministre des affaires étrangères allemande est une précieuse ridicule. L’auteur du South China Morning Post de #Hong_Kong se moque d’elle en l’appellant une guerrière loup qui aurait mieux fait rester chez elle pour assouvir ses besoins d’écologiste.

    14.4.2023 My Take by Alex Lo

    It’s unlikely Annalena Baerbock will convince Beijing during her visit to toe line of Washington, Nato and force Moscow to capitulate in Ukraine

    When a former peacenik makes a religious conversion to American-style neoconservative interventionism, she can be more gung-ho than your average Pentagon general.

    Here we have Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s warrior foreign minister, who is going to Beijing to tell China to behave and follow instructions – or else.

    “China bears a special responsibility for world peace,” she said ahead of her trip. “The role that China plays with its influence vis‑a‑vis Russia will have consequences for the whole of Europe and for our relationship with China.

    “At the top of my agenda … is our interest in bringing the war on our European doorstep in Ukraine to a swift, lasting and just end.”

    I am sure she will find a receptive audience in Beijing by issuing a direct threat before starting her visit.

    The leader of the Greens, the once peace-loving lefty party of Germany, Baerbock has openly declared that her country, along with Nato and the United States, is fighting a war against Russia.

    This is what she said at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, on January 24: “We are fighting a war against Russia … We can fight this war only together.”

    Let me include the whole passage lest someone accuse me of quoting out of context: “Yes, we have to do more to defend Ukraine. Yes, we have to do more also on tanks. But the most important and the crucial part is that we do it together, and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia, and not against each other.

    “Obviously, Ukraine needs more military support, but not only by one country like mine or the US, by all of us. We can fight this war only together.”

    The day after her speech, Berlin announced it was sending 14 cutting-edge Leopard 2 tanks – and would allow other countries to send theirs as well – to Ukraine. Earlier in January, she visited the front lines in eastern Ukraine to rally for more Western weapons.

    So, let me wrap my head around her warning against China. The collective West has been sending endless weapons and military training, along with the provision of real-time intelligence on Russian troop movements and targets, but it is China’s responsibility to get Russia out of Ukraine.

    Beijing has supplied no weapons or intelligence to Moscow’s war machine and is the only world power to have offered something that resembles a peace proposal.

    Baerbock reminds me of an internet meme a while back: “Sorry, but I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.” It seems she is so mesmerised by the awesomeness of her Churchillian war-rallying cries she can’t be bothered to gauge how she sounds to others.

    She is probably too used to adulation and cheerleading – “Germany is waking up to its historic responsibility” blah, blah, blah – at Nato headquarters and in Washington.

    Her country is now at the forefront of the European Union’s military resurgence, led by a former peacenik.

    There is the minor problem, though, that most people in the EU want the war to end quickly by starting negotiations. According to a December poll conducted by the Project Europe Research of Szazadveg, a Hungarian think tank, an overwhelming 82 per cent of people in the EU agreed with the statement that “Russia and Ukraine should be forced into peace talks to end the war”.

    Somehow the majority voices don’t count in Europe – despite repeated surveys showing similar results and mass rallies across the continent – when it comes to prosecuting the war in Ukraine.

    It’s hard not to conclude Baerbock’s China trip is more window-dressing to show Western warmongers like her are reasonable people, and it’s the Chinese who won’t play to the tunes of Washington and Nato to force Moscow to capitulate.

    As a greenie, she might have helped Mother Earth by saving her trip and its carbon footprint from her state jet to China.

    Alex Lo has been a Post columnist since 2012, covering major issues affecting Hong Kong and the rest of China. A journalist for 25 years, he has worked for various publications in Hong Kong and Toronto as a news reporter and editor. He has also lectured in journalism at the University of Hong Kong.

    Le site Nachdenkseiten nous offre une traduction du commentaire du SCMP.
    Le traducteur allemand de l’article se trompe quand il explique la signification du titre du commentaire.

    L’expression « diplomatie du guerrier loup » ("wolf warrior diplomacy") est un terme répandu parmi les diplomates chinois qui désigne une attitude agressive, cherchant le conflit avec la Chine. Il représente l’équivalent du « guerrier froid » dans les relations internationales ou du « faucon » en général.

    Cet article de Wikipedia nous permet une meilleure compréhension de la fine ironie d’Alex Lo.

    La diplomatie du guerrier loup se caractérise par l’utilisation par les diplomates chinois d’une rhétorique de confrontation, ainsi que la volonté accrue des diplomates de repousser les critiques à l’égard de la Chine et de susciter la controverse dans des interviews et sur les médias sociaux. Il s’agit d’une rupture avec l’ancienne politique étrangère chinoise, qui s’attachait à travailler en coulisses, à éviter la controverse et à privilégier une rhétorique de coopération internationale, illustrée par la maxime selon laquelle la Chine « doit cacher sa force » dans la diplomatie internationale. Ce changement reflète la façon dont le gouvernement chinois et le PCC entendent interagir avec le monde entier.

    Quand les représentants de deux nations différentes s’expriment de la même façon ce n’est pas la méme chose.

    Les efforts visant à incorporer la diaspora chinoise dans la politique étrangère de la Chine se sont également intensifiés, l’accent étant mis sur la loyauté ethnique plutôt que nationale.

    Alex Lo dessine implicitement l’image d’une diaspora allemande en Chine incorporée dans la politique étrangère allemande C’est fort drôle à cause de sa taille minuscule en comparaison avec la diaspora chinoise en occident. Ce faisant il qualifie de mégalomane l’attitude d’Annalena Baerbock par rapport à la Chine. Ici sa fine ironie prend la même signification comme la maivaise blague qui présente la politicienne verte comme « la pire ministre des affaires étrangères allemande depuis Ribbentrop ».

    #Chine #Allemagne #OTAN #Ukraine