
  • Giora Eiland est le criminel à la retraite qui avait tracé en 2014 les grands traits du #génocide en cours à #Gaza (dans la plus grande indifférence de la « #communauté_internationale bien entendu) :

    In Gaza, there is no such thing as ’innocent civilians’ - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

    What would have been the right thing to do? We should have declared war against the state of Gaza (rather than against the Hamas organization), and in a war as in a war. The moment it begins, the right thing to do is to shut down the crossings, prevent the entry of any goods, including food, and definitely prevent the supply of gas and electricity.

    Maintenant, dans un article en hébreux, il appelle à se montrer inflexible dans la poursuite du génocide en cours (toujours dans la plus grande indifférence de la « communauté internationale » bien sûr.)


    Une traduction en anglais est disponible
    Let’s Not be Intimidated by the World Giora Eiland - JustPaste.it

    Heading Towards the Collapsing of Hamas 
    The debate over Israel’s compliance with international demands to allow entry of fuel into Gaza reflects a fundamental conflict between Israel and the US regarding the correct narrative. 

    According to the American narrative, there are two groups of people in Gaza. One is the Hamas fighters, who are brutal terrorists and are therefore mortal. Most of the people in Gaza belong to a second group, innocent civilians who suffer for no fault of their own. Therefore Israel must not only avoid harming them as much as possible but also act to make their lives easier. 

    The other, and more correct, narrative is as follows: Israel is not fighting a terrorist organization but against the State of Gaza. The State of Gaza is indeed under Hamas leadership, and this organization managed to mobilize all the resources of its state, the support of the majority of its citizens, and the absolute loyalty of its civil administration, around Sinwar’s leadership, while fully supporting his ideology. In this sense, Gaza is very similar to Nazi Germany, where a similar process also took place. Being that this is the accurate description of the situation, so it is also correct to manage the war accordingly. 

    A war between states is not only won by military combat, but also by the ability of one side to break the opposing side’s system, the economic ability, and first and foremost the ability to provide energy, is of the utmost importance. The collapse of Germany at the beginning of 1945 was mainly due to the loss of Romania’s oil fields, and once Germany didn’t have enough fuel for its planes and tanks - the war was won. 

    Israel must therefore not provide the other side with any capability that prolongs its life. Moreover, we say that Sinwar is so evil that he does not care if all the residents of Gaza die. Such a presentation is not accurate, since who are the “poor” women of Gaza? They are all the mothers, sisters or wives of Hamas murderers. On the one hand, they are part of the infrastructure that supports the organization, and on the other hand, if they experience a humanitarian disaster, then it can be assumed that some of the Hamas fighters and the more junior commanders will begin to understand that the war is futile and that it is better to prevent irreversible harm to their families. 

    The way to win the war faster and at a lower cost for us requires a system collapse on the other side and not the mere killing of more Hamas fighters. The international community warns us of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this, as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer and reduce casualties among IDF soldiers. And no, this is not about cruelty for cruelty’s sake, since we don’t support the suffering of the other side as a goal but as a means. 
    The other side is given the option to end the suffering if they surrender. Sinwar will not surrender, but there is no reason for the Hamas militia commanders in the southern Gaza Strip not to surrender when they have no fuel and no water, and when the plagues reach them as well and when the danger to the lives of their women increases. The Israeli cabinet must take a harder line with the Americans, and at least have the ability to say the following: as long as all the hostages are not returned to Israel, do not talk to us about the humanitarian aspects. 
    And yes, we believe that humanitarian pressure is also a legitimate means of increasing the chance of seeing the hostages alive. But we must not, absolutely must not adopt the American narrative that “permits” us to fight only against Hamas fighters instead of doing the right thing -to fight against the entire opposing system because it is precisely its civil collapse that will bring the end of the war closer. When senior Israeli figures say in the media “It’s either us or them” we should clarify the question of who is “them”. “They” are not only Hamas fighters with weapons, but also all the “civilian” officials, including hospital administrators and school administrators, and also the entire Gaza population who enthusiastically supported Hamas and cheered on its atrocities on October 7th.

    • oui, il n’est pas besoin d’être Giora Eiland pour être génocidaire, ni pour vouloir rééditer la Nakba pour arriver au Grand Israël

      Une ministre israélienne appelle à « la réinstallation volontaire » des Palestiniens « hors de la bande de Gaza »


      La ministre israélienne du renseignement, Gila Gamliel, a appelé dimanche la communauté internationale à « promouvoir la réinstallation volontaire » des Palestiniens « hors de la bande de Gaza », « plutôt que d’envoyer de l’argent pour reconstruire » ce territoire.

      Dans un texte publié par le quotidien israélien The Jerusalem Post, Mme Gamliel, membre du Likoud, le parti du premier ministre Benyamin Nétanyahou, propose « de promouvoir la réinstallation volontaire des Palestiniens de Gaza hors de la bande de Gaza, pour des raisons humanitaires ».

      La ministre israélienne critique par ailleurs l’agence des Nations unies pour les réfugiés palestiniens (UNRWA). « Plutôt que d’envoyer de l’argent pour reconstruire Gaza ou pour l’UNRWA défaillante, la communauté internationale peut participer à financer la réinstallation et aider les Gazaouis à construire leur nouvelle vie dans leurs nouveaux pays d’accueil », écrit la ministre.

      « Nous avons essayé de nombreuses solutions différentes : le retrait [des colonies de la bande de Gaza], l’enrichissement, la gestion du conflit et la construction de hauts murs dans l’espoir de garder les monstres du Hamas hors d’Israël. Toutes ont échoué », poursuit-elle.

      il n’empêche que les décision israéliennes doivent tenir compte de diverses variablessusceptibles de... varier : position américaine ; contradictions du consensus national israélien (selon le nombre d’otages et de réservistes morts, entre autres), de l’orientation de divers pays arabes, de ce que sont susceptibles de réussir ses adversaires, en Cisjordanie ou à Gaza, ou de ce qui peut venir élargir le conflit (Liban, Yemen, Iran).

    • « la communauté internationale nous met en garde contre le désastre humain à Gaza et contre un sévère risque d’épidémie. Nous ne devons pas changer nos plans à cause de ça, aussi difficile que ça puisse être. Après tout, de violentes épidémies dans le sud de la bande de Gaza rendraient la victoire plus proche et réduiraient le nombre de victimes parmi l’armée israélienne. », Gioara Eiland, Yediot Ahronot

