Obama joins Biden in White House meeting with Yatsenyuk, other Ukrainian officials


  • Obama joins Biden in White House meeting with Yatsenyuk, other Ukrainian officials

    Shape up, Arseniy, Ukraine is running out of chances. That was the essence of U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden’s speech to close the U.S.-Ukraine Business Forum on July 13 in Washington, D.C.

    Biden mixed high praise with pointed warnings for Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk to start actively curbing and punishing corruption in the nation.

    Yatsenyuk sat in the audience of 150 people and took it all in.

    Biden invited him to a private meeting in his office afterwards, joined by U.S. President Barack Obama. Participants said that Obama reinforced Biden’s message that the United States will continue to strongly support Ukraine, but Ukraine’s leaders need to make progress on corruption and rule of law. The meeting lasted more than an hour and, besides Yatsenyuk, was joined by Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt and other U.S. and Ukrainian officials.

    In his speech, the American vice president called corruption an “affront to the dignity of the people of Ukraine,” and said: “Ukrainians know in their bones, it’s not enough to talk about changes, we have to deliver change, you have to deliver change.

    Ukraine has a strategy and new laws to fight corruption,” Biden said. “Now you have to put people in jail.

    Remontage de bretelles du mauvais élève. Et, pourtant, ce n’est pas faute de lui avoir rappelé :

    Biden, who visited Ukraine three times last year and made 36 calls in the last months with Poroshenko, said corruption has been the “topic of almost all of our calls.