The Paris attacks will force France to change its Syria policy | Pierre Haski | Comment is free


  • The Paris attacks will force France to change its Syria policy | Pierre Haski | Comment is free | The Guardian

    Haski réserve ses meilleures pensées pour le Guardian...

    Until Friday, the French government was still insisting on Assad’s departure as a precondition for any political settlement in Syria, putting the Syrian president on a par with Isis in blame for the country’s tragedy. But France has become more and more isolated in this stand, with Russia and Iran increasingly pushing their agenda. The US listened. Only Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have applauded the French attitude, rewarding it with big arms deals.

    Hollande’s Syria strategy was caught between Putin’s offensive and Obama’s reluctance. He had chosen the high moral ground, refusing to associate either with a brutal regime or a bloody opposition, but this was not necessarily the most practical option in a situation that involves choosing the least bad option rather than the best one.

    #syrie #hollande #diplomatie