No, Israel Should Not Flatten Beirut | Opinion


  • Readying for the “Dahiye Doctrine”

    #Ha'aretz : Les civils libanais ne mourront que parce que le Hezbollah se cachera derrière eux ; le Hezbollah sera coupable de crimes innommables en bombardant les installations militaires israéliennes situées à proximité de secteurs civils puisqu’il n’aura pas respecté l’entente tacite entre les deux parties qui veut que ces dernières doivent épargner les civils...

    #sans_vergogne #chutzpah

    The author of this Haaretz piece ( ) does not seem to know that the “Dahiye Doctrine” is already official IDF policy for the next war. Civilians in “Hezbollah areas” are to be considered supportive constituents and will be viewed by Israel as “legitimate targets.” Thus, what is promised in the next war is the leveling of significant parts of Lebanon and fairly large civilian deaths and injuries, probably more than those obtained during the 1982 Israeli siege of Beirut and certainly far more than the 1,191 civilians killed by Israel in the 2006 war (Hizbullah killed 43 Israeli civilians and 121 IDF members).

    What is not said in these pieces – since the purpose of these pieces on all sides is not analysis but information advantage – is that the IDF likely knows that the vast bulk of Hezbollah’s military capabilities and especially its rocket firing locations are not in cities but are likely in the mountains and in the sparsely populated south (we saw this in the 2006 war when village guards units fought the IDF, but without the mountain positioning – which will be key in the next war – north of the Litani river).

    Also left unsaid are the terms of the 1996 “April Understanding” that ended the 1996 war between Hezbollah and Israel. The key provisio there (and which Nasrallah invoked at the start of the 2006 war) is that Israel can have its many military sites which are also in or adjacent to civilian populated areas and installations (like the HQ for the IDF which is next to Hadassah Hospital) and Hezbollah can have rockets in basements, homes or wherever (although the majority of positions – and the bulk of the actual firing sites – for such material is much more likely in the mountains and in the southern plains and “wilderness areas”) BUT neither site can target the other in these areas…. only the firing sites themselves can actually be targeted.

    This is a key aspect of the “rules of the game” well known to the actors. When Israel ran out of targets so quickly in the 2006 war, they rapidly dispensed with these rules – as did Hezbollah very early (some argue before the IDF did) by firing into civilian populated areas and also progressively firing from or close to civilian populated areas. The point is that both sides know you can have military bases in civilian areas; both know you should not fire from civilian populated areas; and both sides know that firing at civilian populated areas is also against the “rules of the game.” These are the well known terms, and when either side breaks any of these provisios, people and policymakers know how things spiral downwards.

    • Évidemment, Israël a le droit de menacer le Liban de destruction totale, d’annoncer à l’avance tous ses crimes de guerre… au moins une fois par mois dans un grand média. Parce c’est pas grave et ça n’intéresse personne.

      Et tout aussi sûrement, quand Israël attaquera le Liban, détruira ses infrastructures et massacrera sa population, nous serons ensevelis sous les belles considérations sur le droit d’Israël à se défendre, sur sa façon super-morale de mener la guerre, et s’il y a des morts civils c’est la faute au Hezbollah qui fait rien qu’à cacher 100.000 missiles de croisière dans les caves des immeubles de la banlieue sud de Beyrouth…

    • No, Israel Should Not Flatten Beirut

      Who, you may ask, is the fellow who has taken it upon himself to ponder this important matter? As it turns out, Etzioni is not some random internee at a psychiatric institution but rather a professor at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C., having formerly taught at other prestigious U.S. universities including Columbia and Harvard. Also on his CV are stints of service in the Palmach militia, which fought for Israeli “independence” until 1948, and the Israeli military.

    • Why an Israeli newspaper wanted to ’flatten’ a city of millions

      Earlier this month Haaretz, Israel’s influential liberal daily, published a blood-curdling article. It openly argued for war crimes on a massive scale against the civilian population of a neighbouring Arab state.


      It is clear that Israel reserves to itself the right to target the civilian populations of its enemies. And when the victims strike back against such brutality, they are accused by Israel of “terrorism”. It is Israel that is the true originator of terrorism in the Middle East. That is a truth that stretches back even further than the era when Amitai Etzioni and his kibbutznik comrades were charging around British Mandate Palestine murdering and driving out Palestinian civilians from their land.

      A continued and endemic threat against the peoples of the region is clear: the threat is Israel. Who will stop this criminal entity?