In the Service of the Jewish State


  • Ce « #nazi modèle » entré au service du #Mossad

    Le journal israélien Haaretz et la revue américaine Forward viennent de publier un article surprenant sur un proche d’Hitler, l’Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny, qui a rejoint le Mossad - les services secrets israéliens -après la Seconde guerre mondiale pour y remplir des missions de très haute importance.

    • Dans le même genre on avait aussi Walter Rauff.
      Ancien officier SS devenu agent du Mossad et qui durant son travail pour les services israéliens avait été le conseiller du dictateur syrien Hosni al-Zaim (1949) afin d’amener celui-ci à un traité de paix avec Israël :

      In the late 1940s, Walther (Walter) Rauff, an SS officer who was responsible for the murder of at least 100,000 people and was wanted by the Allies as a war criminal , was employed by the Israeli secret service. Instead of bringing him to justice it paid him for his services and helped him escape to South America. Documents of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that have been released over the past several years show that the Americans were aware that Rauff’s case was not exceptional. [...]

      An earlier document, from February 1950, states that Cross helped Rauff obtain the necessary papers for immigration to South America, even though the attempt to send him to Egypt had failed. Why, though, did Israel help Rauff? This document provides a hint: “It is not improbable that Subject’s presence in Syria was in connection with a mission for the Israel[i] service.” Rauff was indeed in Syria, serving as military adviser to President Hosni Zaim, who sought a peace agreement with Irsael . Rauff was forced to leave after Zaim was deposed in a military coup.

      Pour la petite histoire, Hosni al-Zaim a été placé au pouvoir à la suite d’un coup d’Etat organisé par la CIA en 1949 contre le gouvernement du seul régime représentatif du monde arabe, en-dehors du Liban, le gouvernement de Choukri al-Kouwatli en Syrie :