
artiste aux mains pleines de doigts - visionscarto.net - Autrice de Bouts de bois (La Découverte)

  • Indian land grabs in Ethiopia show dark side of south-south co-operation | Anuradha Mittal | Global development | guardian.co.uk

    The idea of south-south co-operation evokes a positive image of solidarity between developing countries through the exchange of resources, technology, and knowledge. It’s an attractive proposition, intended to shift the international balance of power and help developing nations break away from aid dependence and achieve true emancipation from former colonial powers. However, the discourse of south-south co-operation has become a cover for human rights violations involving southern governments and companies.

    A case in point is the land grab by Indian corporations in Ethiopia, facilitated by the governments of both countries, which use development rhetoric while further marginalising the indigenous communities that bear the pain of the resulting social, economic and environmental devastation. It is against this scenario that international solidarity between communities affected by the insanity of a development model that prefers profits over people is reclaiming the principles of south-south co-operation.

    oui, on est loin du projet des non-alignés
    #terres #développement