
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Syria and Hizballah

    That said, it seems that Hizballah has become hostage of an image that has been imposed on it. In his May 25 speech, Hizballah’s secretary-general [Nasrallah] spoke about reform in Syria. He went as far as asserting that the Syrian leadership is determined to undertake major reforms. Instead of reforms, however, the fact is that Syria has experienced nothing but harsh violence. While it is not Hizballah’s business to vouch for Syrian good intentions to carry out long-delayed reforms, it is incumbent on Hizballah to be concerned about every drop of Syrian blood, if only out of respect for its own [Lebanese and Arab] constituencies. Simply said, what everyone expects from Hizballah is, at a minimum, to offer its condolences for the martyrs who have fallen and loved Syria like no one has.

    Traduction d’un éditorial publié le 26 mai dans Al-Akhbar, au lendemain du discours de Hassan Nasrallah le 25 (fête de la Résistance).