
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Experts: Israel’s weapons are not precise (lire tout l’article)

    But it’s not just strikes from the air that are the problem. There’s more:

    However, military analysts and human rights observers say the IDF is still using unguided, indirect fire with high-explosive shells, which they argue is inappropriate for a densely populated area like Gaza …

    [Israel’s 155m howitzer] shells have a lethal radius of 50 to 150 metres and causes injury up to 300 metres from its point of impact. Furthermore, such indirect-fire artillery (meaning it is fired out of direct sight of the target) has a margin of error of 200 to 300 metres.

    Read that again: a margin of error of up to 300 metres, plus a lethal radius of up to 150 metres and an injury radius of 300 metres. So that’s a killing zone of close to half a kilometre from the intended “precise” site of impact. In a territory that is only a few kilometres wide. In short, the main shell Israel is using in Gaza is entirely imprecise.

    Basé essentiellement sur cet article du Guardian: Gaza civilian death toll raises questions about Israeli military training | World news

    “Reckless targeting is a recurring problem, and the hand-wringing and words of regret no longer have any value. If you are making the same mistakes again and again, you would hope something is being learned,” she said, adding there was no sign of any disciplinary action for IDF mistakes that kill civilians. “There is no pattern of anyone being held to account, and impunity just leads to more reckless behaviour.”

    • @george : c’est en gros la conclusion de Cook. Il dit « même en admettant qu’ils visent… » (façon de dire qu’il ne l’admet pas, mais que c’est uniquement pour le besoin de la démonstration). C’est pour ça que j’ai référencé son article (plutôt que le Guardian directement), parce qu’il est construit sur l’idée de démontrer qu’il s’agit bien d’un crime de guerre.

    • Il ne s’agit pas de tentatives de justification, au contraire. La conclusion de l’article est parfaitement claire.

      So when are [we] going to hear HRW or the UN’s Navi Pillay stop talking about proportionality or Israel’s potential war crimes, and admit Israel is committing war crimes by definition.

      Les armes utilisées peuvent être précises
      • en tir direct, ce qui n’est pas le cas (c’est mentionné dans l’article et on peut le vérifier chaque fois que les vidéos nous montre un tir de M109/Doher)
      • en y mettant le prix (avec des obus guidés qui valent une fortune, ex. $50 000 pour celui-ci, munition pour les M109)

      Les tirs non ciblés, ou « ciblés » avec des armes imprécises ce qui revient au même, en environnement civil constituent des crimes de guerre.

      EDIT : Nidal a été plus rapide (le temps de chercher la doc…)