
Le Grand Mix est une scène de musiques actuelles (labellisée SMAC par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication) à Tourcoing. Cette salle de 650 places ouverte en 1997, est gérée par l’association La Passerelle. L’association mène un projet culturel et artistique dans la salle de spectacles (et hors les murs) [...]

  • Brian Eno Explains the Loss of Humanity in Modern Music | Open Culture

    In music, as in film, we have reached a point where every element of every composition can be fully produced and automated by computers. This is a breakthrough that allows producers with little or no musical training the ability to rapidly turn out hits. It also allows talented musicians without access to expensive equipment to record their music with little more than their laptops. But the ease of digital recording technology has encouraged producers, musicians, and engineers at all levels to smooth out every rough edge and correct every mistake, even in recordings of real humans playing old-fashioned analogue instruments. After all, if you could make the drummer play in perfect time every measure, the singer hit every note on key, or the guitarist play every note perfectly, why wouldn’t you?