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  • Etats-Unis Energie Arctique Alaska - Une longue et passionnante enquête sur les futurs ravages de l’exploitation pétrolière en Alaska

    Shell Arctic Ocean Drilling Stands to Open New Oil Frontier -

    The Energy Rush: New and Frozen Frontier Awaits Offshore Oil Drilling

    Edward Itta, the former mayor of North Slope Borough and an Inupiat Eskimo, campaigned as a whaler opposed to offshore drilling.

    Published: May 23, 2012

    WASHINGTON — Shortly before Thanksgiving in 2010, the leaders of the commission President Obama had appointed to investigate the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico sat down in the Oval Office to brief him.
    The Energy Rush

    Shell Oil employees took questions from village elders in Savoonga, Alaska, in April 2011. Shell will begin drilling test wells off the coast of northern Alaska this July.

    After listening to their findings about the BP accident and the safety of deepwater drilling, the president abruptly changed the subject.

    “Where are you coming out on the offshore Arctic?” he asked.

    William K. Reilly, a former chief of the Environmental Protection Agency and a commission co-chairman, was startled, as was Carol M. Browner, the president’s top adviser at the time on energy and climate change. Although a proposal by Shell to drill in the Arctic had been a source of dissension, it was not a major focus of the panel’s work.