GCHQ Catalog of Exploit Tools


  • GCHQ Catalog of Exploit Tools

    GLASSBACK: Technique of getting a targets IP address by pretending to be a spammer and ringing them. Target does not need to answer.

    MINIATURE HERO: Active skype capability. Provision of real time call records (SkypeOut and SkypetoSkype) and bidirectional instant messaging. Also contact lists.

    MOUTH: Tool for collection for downloading a user’s files from Archive.org.

    PHOTON TORPEDO: A technique to actively grab the IP address of MSN messenger user.

    SILVER SPECTOR: Allows batch Nmap scanning over Tor.

    SPRING BISHOP: Find private photographs of targets on Facebook.

    ANGRY PIRATE: is a tool that will permanently disable a target’s account on their computer.

    BUMPERCAR+: is an automated system developed by JTRIG CITD to support JTRIG BUMPERCAR operations. BUMPERCAR operations are used to disrupt and deny Internet-based terror videos or other materials. The techniques employs the services provided by upload providers to report offensive materials.

    BOMB BAY: is the capacity to increase website hits/rankings.

    BURLESQUE: is the capacity to send spoofed SMS messages.

    CLEAN SWEEP: Masquerade Facebook Wall Posts for individuals or entire countries.

    CONCRETE DONKEY: is the capacity to scatter an audio message to a large number of telephones, or repeatedely bomb a target number with the same message.

    GATEWAY: Ability to artificially increase traffic to a website.

    GESTATOR: amplification of a given message, normally video, on popular multimedia websites (Youtube).

    SCRAPHEAP CHALLENGE: Perfect spoofing of emails from Blackberry targets.

    SUNBLOCK: Ability to deny functionality to send/receive email or view material online.

    SWAMP DONKEY: is a tool that will silently locate all predefined types of file and encrypt them on a targets machine

    UNDERPASS: Change outcome of online polls (previously known as NUBILO).

    WARPATH: Mass delivery of SMS messages to support an Information Operations campaign.

    HAVLOCK: Real-time website cloning techniques allowing on-the-fly alterations.

    HUSK: Secure one-on-one web based dead-drop messaging platform.
