• I’d Pay You $500,000 a Year, but You Can’t Do the Work - Shelly Palmer

    There is somewhere to learn this stuff. You learn it by doing it every day and communicating with the community that is doing it every day. It’s not taught in schools and it is constantly evolving. In fact, this may be top-tier tech’s secret weapon. Just like Tim Cook (Apple) owns the physical supply chain for every component you might need to make a smartphone, top-tier tech literally owns the programming languages and frameworks used to create them – even though they are free for all of us to use.

    Awesome and Insane

    None of this would be an issue if top-tier tech did not make its code available open source. We have this problem only because they need talent as much as we do.

    That said, we’re going to keep looking for amazing programmers and my offer stands. I can’t wait to pay you $500,000 per year. You just have to be an awesome and insane engineer with enough skills and work ethic to keep the work we do for our clients as good as the work at the biggest and best tech companies in the world.

    Feel free to send me a link to your GitHub account. No resumes required.
    This article is about a narrow issue — a lack of engineers with very specific, highly in-demand skill sets. It attempts to explain how top tier tech has strategically monopolized an incredibly important recruiting pipeline using open source.

    • And, here’s why the rules are not what they seem: if you build something popular on GitHub using Facebook’s or Google’s code, they will see it, and a recruiter will contact you. That’s how the “GitHub recruiting pipeline” works.

  • TV May Actually Die Soon – Stay Tuned - Shelly Palmer
    L’avenir des télés privés est sombre. C’est le pronostic pour les Etats Unis. Les maisons de télévision européennes survivront-elles ou subiront-elles le mêm sort ?

    FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google/YouTube) is about to take a huge bite out of traditional network TV (ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox), and the media business will never be the same.TV Is Data PoorFANG Is Data Rich
    There are four data sets that help define each of us: attention, consumption, passion, and intention. While traditional broadcast TV tries to measure or attribute some of these to TV viewership, FANG has actionable data that drives KPIs.

    Facebook knows what you are paying attention to. You post and share the things you care about, and your Facebook profile makes your attention actionable.

    Amazon knows what you consume and what you’re thinking about consuming. If you’ve bought it or are planning to buy it, Amazon knows it and can act on that data.

    Netflix knows your passions. You demonstrate how you can be reached on an emotional level every time you watch a video. Netflix knows more about the kind of entertainment that ignites your passions than you do. It continually acts on that data.

    Google/YouTube knows your intentions. You never intend to go to Google and stay there; you search for what you intend to do. Your Google profile indicates, with a very high degree of accuracy, what you are likely to do in the near-term future. This is some of the clearest, most actionable data in the world.

    We Will Still Have 4 Major Networks, Just Not the 4 You’re Used To

    People often reminisce about the “good ole days” when there were four major networks: ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox. We are transitioning to a world where there will still be four networks, just not the four networks you’re used to. FANG is delivering actionable data to advertisers in ways that traditional broadcasters simply can’t.

    #TV #USA #médias

  • Internet Privacy 2017 | What You Need to Know - Shelly Palmer

    There has never been a reasonable expectation of online privacy, and there never will be. Regardless of what you may have recently heard about joint resolutions or nullifications, nothing has changed. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have always had the right to use your data as they see fit, within a few Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) parameters. This has not changed. And you have given FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) the right to use your data as they see fit (with a few privacy policy exceptions and within the few aforementioned FTC and FCC parameters). So regarding online privacy, for all practical purposes, absolutely nothing has changed.
    What About S.J.Res.34?

    Update: On April 3, 2017, the president signed S.J.Res.34, a joint resolution that nullified the FCC’s “Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services” rule. But the FCC rule never went into effect. So net/net, nothing has changed.

    #USA #vie_privée #vie_privee #privacy

  • Is Apple Over ? - Shelly Palmer

    There were so many Apple devices in our offices, someone once said, “It looks like Steve Jobs threw up in here.”

    That was then.

    What malevolent force could entice me to seriously consider a PC? What wickedness could tempt me to contemplate a transitioning back to Windows? What could possibly lure me to the dark side? Only Apple itself has such power.

    #Apple #disruption-overkill #mouhahaha

  • How to Win a Twitter War - Shelly Palmer

    Can you ever really win a Twitter or Facebook war?

    Yes, you can! Here, for your cyber-pugilistic pleasure, is a strategic primer that will make you invincible.
    If you start a fistfight, expect to get hit. If you start a knife fight, expect to get cut. If you start a gunfight, expect to get shot. If you start an SMW, expect to have someone try to boil your blood, belittle your beliefs and personally attack your character in ways that would make a drunken, potty-mouthed psychopath proud. If these are not acceptable costs, do not start the war.
    How to Win a Twitter War in 5 Easy Steps

    Craft an antifragile messaging strategy, then

    Pick an issue guaranteed to enrage your opposition.
    Figure out how to make the issue truly binary, no matter how nuanced or subtle it is. Yes or No. You’re with us or against us.
    Craft a barrage of strategically related antifragile messages (marketers, pay attention here).
    Keep the chaos going. (Brand safety? We don’t need no stinkin’ brand safety!) More tweets, more related enraging issues. More, more, more. Keep repeating steps 1–4.
    Enjoy the increase in followers, virality, and the size of the community of like-minded people that has self-assembled around you.

    Then, with all humility declare yourself the winner.

  • How to Win a Twitter War - Shelly Palmer

    Can you ever really win a Twitter or Facebook war?

    Yes, you can! Here, for your cyber-pugilistic pleasure, is a strategic primer that will make you invincible.
    If you start a fistfight, expect to get hit. If you start a knife fight, expect to get cut. If you start a gunfight, expect to get shot. If you start an SMW, expect to have someone try to boil your blood, belittle your beliefs and personally attack your character in ways that would make a drunken, potty-mouthed psychopath proud. If these are not acceptable costs, do not start the war.
    How to Win a Twitter War in 5 Easy Steps

    Craft an antifragile messaging strategy, then

    Pick an issue guaranteed to enrage your opposition.
    Figure out how to make the issue truly binary, no matter how nuanced or subtle it is. Yes or No. You’re with us or against us.
    Craft a barrage of strategically related antifragile messages (marketers, pay attention here).
    Keep the chaos going. (Brand safety? We don’t need no stinkin’ brand safety!) More tweets, more related enraging issues. More, more, more. Keep repeating steps 1–4.
    Enjoy the increase in followers, virality, and the size of the community of like-minded people that has self-assembled around you.

    Then, with all humility declare yourself the winner.

    #communication #politique

  • 5 Awesome Illegal Uses for Alexa - Shelly Palmer
    Shelly Palmer a confiance dans le système juridique de son pays.

    I am not a conspiracy theorist. Not even close. But this is simply too obvious. Since Alexa is always listening, with a writ from a court of competent jurisdiction, and in full compliance with the Fourth Amendment, bugging your location is just a subpoena away.

    Or, for the hacking community, it’s simply open season.

    Importantly, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple and other organizations that are purveying ASR/NLU systems are going out of their way to prevent all of the above. But in practice, we do live in a world of infinite possibilities. “Alexa. Are you listening?” Of course you are. Intelligence communities, both foreign and domestic (including state and local law enforcement), are you listening? We’ll know soon enough.

    Author’s Note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. Also, I am the proud owner of several Amazon Echos, Echo Dots, Google Home units, Android devices that are “OK Google” enabled and a significant number of Siri-enabled Apple devices. The purpose of this article is to inspire a civil discussion about the possible future of ASR and NLU systems, not to cast aspersions or in any way suggest that we should limit, slow down or inhibit the remarkable progress being made in this field.

    #USA #surveillance #commerce