• #Grèce : une #émeute dans un #centre_de_rétention vire à la #chasse_à_l'homme

    La #police grecque a lancé une chasse à l’homme à #Athènes, la capitale, pour retrouver des #migrants qui se sont évadés au cours d’une émeute, samedi 10 août, dans un #camp de rétention qui avait fait 10 #blessés dans les rangs de la police.


    #migration #détention

    • Grèce : #révolte des #déte­nus du #camp_de_concen­tra­tion d’#Amygdaleza

      « On nomme camp de concentration un lieu fermé de grande taille créé pour regrouper et pour détenir une population considérée comme ennemie, généralement dans de très mauvaises conditions. Cette population peut se composer des opposants politiques, des résidents d’un pays ennemi, de groupes ethniques ou religieux spécifiques, des civils d’une zone critique de combats, ou d’autres groupes humains, souvent pendant une guerre. Les personnes sont détenues en raison de critères généraux, sans procédure juridique, et non en vertu d’un jugement individuel. »


    • Amygdaleza uprising suppressed – 41 immigrants on trial

      41 immigrants are facing various charges after the suppression of the Amygdaleza uprising.

      The situation of the immigrants injured during the uprising is unknown, since access to the detention center is denied even to lawyers.

      Meanwhile, the mayor of the area, Sotiris Duros, declared that an uprising was “an expected one”, since the conditions in the detention center are inhuman and the temperature in the (made of of metal) cargo containers used for constraining 1650 people, during summertime reaches up to 50 Celsius degrees. This. combined with the fact that a prolonging of their imprisonment to 18 months was announced, led to the uprising.



      Grecia, rivolta di migranti in centro accoglienza : interviene polizia

      Atene (Grecia), 11 ago. (LaPresse/AP) – Una rivolta è scoppiata ieri sera in Grecia in uno dei cosiddetti centri di accoglienza, quello di Amygdaleza, a nordest di Atene. La polizia è intervenuta riuscendo a sedarla dopo circa un’ora. Sembra che nessuno sia fuggito dalla struttura, ma gli agenti continuano a controllare la zona. Il bilancio è di almeno 10 guardie ferite, nessuna in modo grave, ma non è chiaro se ci siano feriti anche fra i migranti.


      Sembra che nessuno sia fuggito dalla struttura, ma gli agenti continuano a controllare la zona.

      –-> il semblerait que personne se soit échappé de la structure, mais les forces de l’ordre continuent à contrôler la zone !
      –-> je rappelle au juste au journal, qu’il ne s’agit pas de prisonniers !!! Mais de personnes en rétention administrative !

      Secondo la ricostruzione fornita dalla polizia, la protesta è cominciata a ora di cena, quando alcuni degli immigrati avrebbero aggredito le guardie senza motivi contingenti.

      –-> senza motivo contingente ?????? Sans vraie motivation ???? Et l’annonce de l’augmentation maximale du temps de #détention (de 12 à 18 mois), et le manque d’air conditionné dans le container (cause : panne d’électricité due à rénovation) ?? Ce n’est pas de bons motifs de protestation ?

      Pourtant :

      La causa principale della protesta, sempre secondo la polizia, sarebbe l’annuncio dato ai migranti che il periodo massimo di detenzione nel campo sarebbe stato innalzato da 12 a 18 mesi. Inoltre nella struttura era stata interrotta l’erogazione dell’elettricità a causa di lavori di manutenzione, lasciando i container senza aria condizionata. Non si tratta della prima protesta: in passato i migranti si sono lamentati spesso delle condizioni in questo campo, in particolare del sovraffollamento, e alcuni di loro questo mese hanno portato avanti uno sciopero della fame.

    • Dans un centre de rétention : « Quand je sortirai de là, je serai violent avec les Grecs »

      La police grecque a lancé une chasse à l’homme à Athènes pour retrouver des migrants qui se sont évadés au cours d’une émeute, samedi 10 août au soir, dans le centre de rétention d’Amygdaleza, près de la capitale. Les troubles ont commencé lorsque les quelque 1 200 retenus ont été informés que la durée maximale de rétention dans le camp serait portée de un an à dix-huit mois.


    • Greece: Systematic and prolonged detention of irregular migrants and asylum-seekers provokes riot

      #Amnesty_International expresses once more its profound concerns over the prolonged periods of detention of irregular migrants and asylum-seekers and the very poor detention conditions in various immigrations detention facilities and police stations in Greece.

      These were the reasons that led people detained in detention centre of Amygdaleza to start a riot last Saturday evening in protest of the treatment they were receiving. According to reports, the riot was prompted by people detained in the centre after finding out that they would be held up to eighteen months and not twelve months as they were originally told; police guards cut off the electricity in two of the containers used as sleeping areas after the migrants started using the air conditioning; some were hit and verbally abused by police guards when they refused to get back to their containers.

      In a press release issued by the Attika General Police Directorate, on 12 August 2013, the Greek police stated that the detainees attacked the police and set fire to mattresses and sleeping areas. The riot was stopped following the intervention of the riot police. It was stated that 10 police officers were injured and 41 migrants (from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Morocco) were arrested and that they would face charges of causing of unrest and serious bodily harm. The Ministry of Citizens’ Protection also underlined that the aim is to detain each and every irregular migrant until he/she is returned to his/her country unless the competent bodies claim that he/she is entitled to international protection.

      The organization was informed by lawyers that the migrants arrested during the riot were beaten by the police when transferred at the Petrou Ralli detention facility in Athens. According to further reports, the police has also stopped people in Amygdaleza from going out of their containers after the riot despite the unbearable heat.

      During the organization’s visits at the Amygdaleza detention facility in April and July 2013, detainees expressed their despair over their prolonged detention and reported amongst others poor quality of food, poor hygiene and difficulties of speaking to their families with limited access to phones. Both police and detainees spoke about their concerns over hygiene in view of the lack of funding to employ cleaners in the detention facility. In recent months, the organization also received allegations of ill-treatment of some detainees transferred from Amygdaleza to the Eleftherios Venizelos airport in order to be deported.

      Detention conditions and the lack of procedural safeguards surrounding detention in Greece have been regularly criticized by human rights organisations as well as the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and Punishment (CPT) and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Furthermore, between 2009 and the end of 2012, the European Court of Human Rights has found Greece in breach of Article 3 in 11 cases concerning the detention conditions of refugees and migrants held in immigration detention centres or border guard stations.

      The Greek authorities must end the practice of systematic and prolonged detention of irregular migrants and asylum-seekers; and, investigate without delay all allegations of abuse by police guards prior to the riot in Amygdaleza and in Petrou Ralli detention facility.


  • Pendant ce temps là ? on construit encore de nouvelles prisons en Grèce ... #CRA

    Immigrants detention camp to be created in Kozani « clandestina

    Yesterday, Monday March 19, the Minister of Citizen Protection Michalis Chrisochoidis announced in the Greek Cabinet that a new immigrants’ detention camp will be created in Kozani.
    The camp will be under the authority of Greek police and will be located in a former military base. The camp’s capacity will be 1,000 inmates.
    This will be the first official detention camp in Greece. The responsibility for guarding the perimeter of the detention camp will be given to the Greek police, but according to unofficial info, a private security company will be contracted for the interior.