Display and visualization solutions : Displays, Projectors, Video walls, LED displays, Monitors & Custom imaging


  • 2016-2 | 2017 Livre, sérialité et transmédialité

    Réunissant plusieurs aspects des rapports entre espace littéraire et univers transmédia, le numéro entend réfléchir sur la place du livre au sein des univers fictionnels cross- ou transmédia, c’est-à-dire qui se déclinent sur plusieurs supports : littérature papier ou e-littérature, feuilleton radiophonique, jeu de rôle, manga, série télévisée. Il présente une série d’analyses de cas qui interrogent d’une part la notion de sérialité, entendue comme une construction sérielle, progressive et articulée selon une temporalité disruptive, et d’autre part, le concept de transmédialité considéré comme une extension du littéraire vers des supports médiatiques modernes ou selon des principes transfictionnels. Le numéro aborde trois aspects principaux de ces manifestations narratives hors du livre : les transfictions (adaptations, approche sémantique, réécritures), la transmédialité (rolisme, univers visuels, création radiophonique) et enfin les constructions médiatiques (media mix, hypertextualité, hacking). Le dossier de varia complète cette réflexion dans le récit populaire au dix-neuvième siècle

    • Reactable - Barco

      The Reactable was first presented at the International Music Conference 2005 in Barcelona. “Reactable is an electronic musical instrument with a simple and intuitive design. Through its visual tangible interface the musician is able to connect with his music on several levels creating a richer experience for himself and his audience by hearing, seeing and touching the sound”, explains Günter Geiger, CEO at reactable.

      The Reactable Experience is the latest model, shown for the first time at the projectiondesign booth at InfoComm 2013. Combining state of the art technology and simple and intuitive designed features enables anybody who uses it to explore the world of music and sound creation in a truly engaging way. Icelandic singer Björk used an early model on her Volta tour and the Reactable has received several awards, including in 2008 the Prix Ars Electronica and two D&AD Yellow Pencil Awards.


      Its circular multi-touch interface allows the instrument to be played by several people simultaneously, inviting the visitors to share the experience and naturally engage in collaborative compositions. “Despite being like a nice piece of futuristic design, we try to include several concepts of how we think that the instrument of the future should be”, explains Geiger. Reactable’s design is so intuitive that it can be enjoyed from the very first minute by a casual player. But at the same time its richness allows never ending creative possibilities for experienced musicians.

