
  • Vietnam War Song Project - Rate Your Music


    Très impressionnant travail d’archivage et de référencement des chansons engagées contre la guerre du #Vietnam.

    An Encyclopaedia of Vietnam War Songs

    This project looks at Vietnam War songs and spoken-word records. The purpose is for those reading and listening to learn about the Vietnam War, and the music and artists associated with it. It also seeks to preserve the records for the future . The goal is to build a complete encyclopaedia of all relevant music and recorded audio, to analyse the music, discover information about the artists, and to categorize and identify themes . This is for educational purposes only - the project is not-for-profit, and raises no revenue. All adverts placed on this site belong to the host, RYM.

    Je ne pense pas que #Youtube soit la plateforme idéale ceci dit, pour préserver les enregistrements pour plus tard. l’ #Internet_Archive aurait été plus adapté.

    YouTube : Vietnam War Song Project - check out the songs. http://www.youtube.com/user/VietnamSongProject
    Photo Gallery : Vietnam Records - Artwork - check out images of the records. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sj93o6rpxcrhyh6/ydgG53zVZG
    Twitter : VietnamWarSongs - follow for project updates. https://twitter.com/VietnamWarSongs

    About the author:

    I started compiling, writing, and editing this project in February 2007 to share the Vietnam War songs that I collect. I gained my PhD in history from University College London (UCL) in April 2012 on the subject of Anglo-American relations 1969-1974. I have also conducted research on “British policy, the Vietnam War and East of Suez (1964-1967)”, and “British policy towards Palestine (1914-1917)”. ~ Justin Brummer.