• Twisted Metal, Broken Bodies


    On 23 April 2017, an armored vehicle of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (OSCE SMM) set off an explosion, likely a mine, killing one monitor and injuring two others.
    Circumstances suggest that the explosive device was an anti-vehicle mine (AVM)...
    23 April 2017 OSCE Press Conference, Headquarters of the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (OSCE SMM)
    This incident was just one reminder of the daily risks posed by AVMs. Nevertheless, they are often a neglected issue, even as they cause casualties indiscriminately and hamper socio-economic development in many parts of the world. Identifying this as a critical issue, in 2012, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon urged states

    #armement #mines #avm