Israel publishes BDS blacklist : These are the 20 groups whose members will be denied entry


  • Le gouvernement israélien finance du journalisme anti-BDS
    Itamar Benzaquen, +972, le 20 décembre 2017

    Les principales victoires de BDS en 2017
    Nora Barrows-Friedman, The Electronic Intifada, le 28 décembre 2017

    Israël interdit à Omar Barghouti d’aller voir sa mère sur le point d’être opérée
    Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada, le 4 janvier 2018

    Israël publie la liste noire BDS : Voici les 20 associations dont les membres se verront refuser l’entrée [en Israël]
    Noa Landau, Haaretz, le 7 janvier 2017

    BDS interdit d’entrée en Israël ! La liste noire du régime israélien d’apartheid n’arrêtera pas le développement de la Campagne BDS
    La Campagne BDS France, le 9 janvier 2018

    #Palestine #BDS

    • Selon la loi datant de 2010 d’Alliot-Marie la pratique, pub pour le BDS est puni par la loi comme étant un acte « antisémite »/ Pour rappel aux anciens nous avons bien boycotté l’Afrique du Sud, les oranges, se serait donc un acte raciste ? Disons negrophobe ? C’est incroyable la dérive des mots et le lobby sioniste est capable de tout pour stopper ce boycott qui gagne le Monde entier. D.ieu merci

    • Non, non, le BDS n’est pas illégal en France. La circulaire Alliot-Marie se contente, et c’est déjà grave, de forcer les juges à poursuivre les enquêtes portant sur des actes de boycott d’israel, mais elle ne présume pas de leur culpabilité.

      Par ailleurs, AUCUN militant BDS poursuivi n’a été jugé coupable d’antisémitisme. En général la plainte porte plus sur des « entraves au commerce ».

      Ne propageons pas ces fausses idées, c’est ce que veut la partie adverse...

  • Honor roll: Israel’s BDS blacklist
    The blacklist’s authors are preparing the ground for worse steps – not against foreign nationals, but against Palestinians.
    Amira Hass Jan 08, 2018

    The ban on entering the country that was imposed on activists from 20 international organizations is a badge of honor for them. For all the differences among these organizations in size, experience and background, and for all the political disagreements among them and with them, they deserve praise. They are successfully sabotaging the tendency to present the Palestinian problem as a purely humanitarian one, or as a symmetrical conflict between two supposedly equal powers.

    That this blacklist was prepared by an Israeli ministry already proves one of the organizations’ claims: Israel isn’t a democratic state. A state that has ruled for 50 years already over millions of people who have no right to vote and are denied basic human rights like freedom of movement, the right to earn a living and freedom to demonstrate, doesn’t deserve the name democracy, even if its Jewish citizens can write for Haaretz and protest against corruption.

    Israel’s sadistic rule over the Palestinians (including those within the pre-1967 lines) has millions of agents and tools. Human rights organizations can’t compete with all the resources of the state, which have been invested in agents and methods of dispossession. So the political call for sanctions and boycotts makes the necessary leap and proposes a single, conclusive and suitable response to Israeli oppression and persecution.

    It is unlikely that the Strategic Affairs Ministry bureaucrats deluded themselves that a ban on entering Israel and the occupied territories would stop these organizations from continuing to call for international boycotts and sanctions against Israel, or against the settlements and their produce. After all, the activists base their political analysis and their program for stopping Israeli colonialism on information and testimony from readily available sources, and those sources will continue to be available even without the activists’ physical presence in the country.

    But the authors of this blacklist aren’t stupid people bent on macho vengeance. They, too, are political thinkers, and they are continuing to prepare the ground for even worse steps – not against foreign nationals, but against the Palestinian people.

    Publication of the blacklist puts the countries where these organizations are based to a new test. Israel has been preventing their citizens from entering the West Bank and Gaza Strip (and not just its own sovereign territory) for a long time now, even if they never supported the BDS movement. It’s enough for them to be of Palestinian origin and to have relatives and property in the West Bank, or to want to study or teach at educational institutions in the West Bank, for their entry to be banned.

    Many of the people who have been denied entry are American or Jordanian citizens. But the United States, Europe and Jordan haven’t made much effort to defend two basic principles: equal treatment for their citizens regardless of differences in their ethnicity, i.e. Jews versus non-Jews, or differences in the purpose of their visit, i.e. a visit to Ramallah versus a visit to the settlement of Beit El; and symmetrical application of the right of visa-free entry. After all, millions of Israelis enter Europe and Jordan with no problem, including some who were involved in perpetrating war crimes or other violations of international law: pilots, army commanders, settlers.

    Donald Trump’s America won’t be shocked if Jewish members of the pacifist organization Code Pink or Quaker Christians are barred from entering Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. But what about France, England, Norway and other European countries? Several European countries, under pressure from or at the instigation of Israeli and Jewish lobbies, already ban democratic calls for sanctions on Israel due to the disgraceful equation of criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. It’s hard to imagine them taking action against the new blacklist.

    Israel is taking the international community’s pulse. The measuring device is the sanctions against these organizations, and the goal is our freedom to uproot people, to demolish and steal. In this shrewd manner, Israel is examining how it can deprive the Palestinians of additional basic rights – including through mass expulsions – without the so-called democratic world stopping it.


  • Why has Israel banned Jewish leftists but not members of Nazi-linked groups ? | +972 Magazine

    Un peu « gênant », mais pas vraiment une surprise.

    srael’s latest step in its self-described “offensive” against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is to include Jewish Voice for Peace, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and the American Friends Service Committee on a list of organizations whose leading members are banned from entering the country. Although the law barring boycott advocates was passed in March last year, the blacklisted organizations only came to light on Saturday. But while Jews who support the boycott movement are now barred from visiting the country, members of Nazi-allied organizations and anti-Semitic political parties continue to be allowed into Israel — including at the invitation of government officials.

    #israël #bds