• #H7N9 82 dont 17
    mais on commence à s’y perdre un peu

    CIDRAP >> H7N9 sickens 5 more in China ; family cluster suspected

    The World Health Organization (WHO) today included all of the new cases reported yesterday and today in its official total, which is 82 infections and 17 deaths. (The WHO’s total does not include the asymptomatic case announced last weekend.) The update appears to include one more death in an earlier reported case, but it’s not clear which one.

    Un nouveau cluster familial (le 2ème) sans qu’on sache s’il provient d’une source initiale ou d’une contamination mutuelle.

    En revanche, l’annonce initiale était erronée.

    The family cluster of infections is reportedly connected to an 87-year-old man from Shanghai whose illness and death were announced on Mar 31 when China first revealed the detection of the novel virus and the first three known human cases. At the time, media reports said two of his sons, ages 55 and 69, were hospitalized with similar symptoms at about the same time in late February, but local officials had said neither had the virus.

    En effet, dans le signalement (le premier, ici http://seenthis.net/messages/126496 ) on pouvait lire :

    (…) although the NHFPC says H7N9 does not seem highly contagious as no health concerns were detected among the victims’ closest contacts.

  • New #coronavirus caused infections in Jordan in April, retrospective tests show | Calgary Herald
    (encore et toujours les Canadiens en pointe sur ce sujet)

    The agency says retrospective testing of stored samples show two people who died in Jordan in April were infected with the virus, which is from the same virus family as SARS.

    Ce qui porte à 9 le nombre de cas confirmés de grippe #chiroptère.

    Nouveauté, l’un des deux décès jordaniens concerne un professionnel de santé.

    The Jordanian cases may signal spread from patients to health-care workers happened there. But it’s too soon to conclude that, said WHO spokesperson Gregory Hartl, who noted the health-care workers and the patients could have been infected for a common — and as yet unidentified — source.

    Les choses sont encore assez floues pour cet épisode d’avril, puisque l’article du Calgary Herald se termine par cette phrase (sans lien logique avec ce qui précède) :

    A report on the outbreak — noted in a weekly disease report from the European Centre for Disease Control in May — said seven nurses and a doctor were among 11 cases identified in the outbreak at a hospital in Zarqa, Jordan.

    Mais dans cet article du Jordan Times du 21/04/12 , cité hier 30/11/12 sur un blog spécialisé, 9 cas seulement sont mentionnés : 7 infirmières dont une décédée, 1 médecin et le frère de l’infirmière décédée.

    L’information nouvelle est donc la confirmation du nouveau coronavirus pour deux des prélèvements faits sur des patients d’avril mais testés en octobre. Ils avaient déjà été testés – négativement – en avril par le même laboratoire, NAMRU-3 (US Naval Medical Research Unit au Caire), mais le coronavirus n’avait pas encore été identifié.

    Information détaillée, là : CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy de l’Université du Minnesota.