Google’s Driver-less Car and Morality : The New Yorker


  • Google’s Driver-less Car and Morality : The New Yorker

    robot soldiers would also be utterly devoid of human compassion, and could easily wreak unprecedented devastation in the hands of a Stalin or Pol Pot. Anyone who has seen the opening scenes of RoboCop knows why we have misgivings about robots being soldiers, or cops.

    But what should we do about it? The solution proposed by Human Rights Watch—an outright ban on “the development, production, and use of fully autonomous weapons”—seems wildly unrealistic. The Pentagon is likely to be loath to give up its enormous investment in robotic soldiers (in the words of Peter W. Singer, “Predator [drones] are merely the first generation.”),

    les Cylons de Battlestar Galactica, c’est pour bientôt

    and few parents would prefer to send their own sons (or daughters) into combat if robots were an alternative.

    ça c’est pour ceux qui tuent, car aux parents de ceux qui sont tués on ne pose pas la question

    #robots #autopilote #drones #guerre #armements