Covid-19 mültecilerin yaşadığı hak ihlallerini artırdı – Mülteci Medyası


  • Covid-19 increases violations on refugees -Multeci Medyasi
    HASUDER ( The Association of Public Health Professionals) explained that there was a problem with the lack of standard and written regulations on what to do during the enrollment process of the indifferent immigrants who could not benefit from general health insurance during the Covid-19 epidemic process.

    The Association of Public Health Professionals (HASUDER is) Covidien-19 international migrants in Turkey epidemic process and prepare a status report on refugees.

    In the report, it was stated that different legal status in Turkey about 5.5 million international migrants and refugees found. Providing services to the refugees in Turkey 29 provinces, a total of 180 immigrants Health Center (GSM) and other provinces within the TSM Foreign Nationals Polyclinics (SAPs) which were recorded.

    Problems During the Covid 19 Process In the
    report, the problems experienced during the diagnosis, treatment and isolation of patients are listed as follows:

    >> The application of “stateless” entry to HSYS has been started to register and test the immigrant / undocumented immigrants. However, the lack of published legislation on this issue leads to differences in practice and creates problems in the detection and monitoring of patients.

    >> With the temporary protection of Covid-19, or with people under international protection, the radiation work cannot be carried out as envisaged.

    >> Necessary hygiene conditions and proper isolation are not possible in the sheltering conditions where many people live together.

    >> Unemployment rate among immigrants increased after the Covid-19 outbreak started. This affects people’s access to basic and health services, such as nutrition.

    >> There is a problem with the lack of a standard and written regulation about what to do with the registration of unregistered / undocumented migrants who cannot benefit from general health insurance. The fact that these people are in need of a treatment that requires hospitalization is far from their centers and many do not have universal health insurance, which prevents them from benefiting from health services.

    >> Due to the numerical scarcity of their GSM, refugees’ access to primary-level GSM and routine services becomes difficult. In addition, as applicants with suspicion of Covid are directly referred to the hospital, they have to use public transportation to reach the hospital, which poses a risk to refugees.

    The effects of social and economic problems on health conditions:

    >> People who live in crowded homes and show signs of illness apply to health services late for fear of stigma and expulsion. In addition, if Covid positives are approved, they do not share this information at home or at work with the fear of being fired from home and work.

    >> There is an occasional restriction on access to the mask of all immigrants, especially immigrants without registration.

    >> Increasing unemployment among refugees also makes it difficult to pay shelter conditions, nutrition and health expenses.

    >> Even though some immigrants continue to work indifferently in some places in this process and are positive, they continue to go to work by not providing the necessary isolation because their financial income is limited.

    >> Accessible hygiene supplies are limited and childcare supplies are needed.

    >> Since the immigration administration stopped negotiations during Covid-19, people whose registration processes continued, remained in uncertainty.

    Other health problems experienced in the COVID 19 process:

    >> There is a need for information on how to monitor pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and vaccinations. In this process, firstly GSMs and NGOs working on the subject need to be informed about which hospitals can be applied for birth.

    >> Because most hospitals are included in the scope of a pandemic, pregnant women will need information about which hospital they will go to for delivery. In case of not going to the hospital, the possibility of birth at home will increase. This will create significant risks for both mother and baby.

    >> For similar reasons, the monitoring of child vaccinations during Covid-19 may also be problematic. It is also important to provide information to the refugees about the health institutions they will receive for routine services.

    >> In order to prevent immigrants who are unregistered / undocumented and have no GSS during the diagnosis and treatment process, there is a “stateless” entry in the HSYS system. However, this regulation should be published as a written legislation and announced to refugees.
