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  • Paying Teens Not to Have Sex : What Mississippi Can Learn From Malawi - Antara Ganguli - The Atlantic
    On en arrive à des trucs assez bizarres tout de même, quand la priorité des états n’est pas la #santé et l’#éducation des filles ET qu’en parallèle on n’apprend pas aux garçons, dès le plus jeune âge, à respecter les #filles. Et, je ne sais pas, faire l’éloge de la branlette plutôt que celui du viol.

    The State of Mississippi holds the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of teenage births in the United States (55 per 1,000 births compared to a national average of 34 per 1,000). Its most recent effort to curb these numbers is a controversial bill that requires the collection of umbilical cord blood for paternity testing in situations legislators say show red flags for abuse. This is supposed to discourage men from getting teen girls pregnant in the first place. But in a state known for abstinence-only, condom-free sex education, it’s unclear if this will help.

    A 2010 study in Malawi, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, shows a promising tactic to combat teen pregnancy and the risk of STIs. In this study, conditional cash transfers successfully reduced sexual activity amongst teenagers. In other words, teenage girls in Malawi stopped having sex in exchange for money.

    #grossesses_précoces #abstinence #sparadrap