Saudi’s internal power struggle sends ripples across international borders | David Hearst | Comment is free


  • Saudi’s internal power struggle sends ripples across international borders | David Hearst | Comment is free |

    Saudi’s internal power struggle sends ripples across international borders
    Post-coup Egypt is only the start of Saudi Arabia’s problems abroad, and the root cause may be old-fashioned courtly manoeuvring

    David Hearst, qui n’est pas le plus mauvais des journalistes, sur l’Arabie saoudite...

    Bandar has become the target of rare criticism in the Saudi press. It is obliquely expressed, but it is unmistakably there. When the well-connected Saudi writer and journalist Jamal Khashoggi wrote in Al Hayat about “local and world intelligence men” no longer being able to change history, establish states or make new leaders, many of his readers understood that he was aiming that at Bandar.

    Egypte, Syrie, Yémen... Une passionnante analyse des questions saoudiennes...