

  • digiKam Software Collection KDE 2.0.0

    #digiKam is an advanced digital #photo management application for #KDE, which makes importing and organizing digital photos a \"snap\". The photos can be organized in albums which can be sorted chronologically, by directory layout or by custom collections.

    Tired of the directory constraints? Don’t worry, digiKam also provides tagging functionality. You tag your images which can be spread out across multiple folders and digiKam provides fast and intuitive ways to browse these tagged images. You can also add comments and rating to your images. digiKam makes use of a fast and robust database to store these meta-informations which makes adding and editing of comments and tags very reliable.

    digiKam makes use of KIPI plugins for lots of added functionality. KIPI (KDE Image Plugin Interface) is an initiative to create a common plugin infrastructure for digiKam, KPhotoAlbum, Showimg, and GwenView. Its aim is to allow development of image plugins which can be shared among KDE graphical applications.

    A noter parmi les modules kipi : export vers tout ce qu’on peut imaginer comme site de photos ET surtout vers Gallery2.

    Je suis content, j’emploie Digikam depuis des années (à présent sous Gnome pourtant) et là je sens que je vais même compiler pour pas devoir attendre :-p